
Articles about WordPress

Should I use posts or pages in WordPress?

By Leann Priebe | April 13, 2022

If you’re new to WordPress, you may be wondering what the difference is between pages and posts. After all, they both seem to be ways of publishing content on your website, right?

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Technical SEO plugins for WordPress

By Tim Priebe | March 23, 2022

There are a lot of different SEO plugins available for WordPress. If you’re not a technical SEO expert or WordPress professional, it can be challenging to decide which ones are the best for your website. No need to fret! Let’s take a look at my current favorite WordPress plugins that can help with SEO, specifically with technical SEO.

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Auto-post from WordPress to Instagram

By Tim Priebe | February 23, 2022

Is your business or nonprofit utilizing Instagram for marketing? Do you regularly blog using WordPress? Are you looking for a way to post your WordPress blog posts to your Instagram account automatically? Fortunately, there are several options to do just that!

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12 awesome things you can do with Gravity Forms

By Chloé Gee | January 5, 2022

You can get really creative when creating websites. If you ever need to include a contact form, survey, employment application, review form, or something else along those lines, we recommend using Gravity Forms.

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How do I fix a slow website?

By Tim Priebe | July 14, 2021

Your website’s speed is important for two main reasons. First, people will leave if they think it’s too slow. Second, Google will penalize your website in the search engine results if they think it’s too slow.

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Why we use a WordPress page builder

By Chloé Gee | June 2, 2021

When you think of website design, what comes to mind? Coding? Complexity? That may have been true back in 2003 when our agency first opened its doors, but it’s not the case any longer. We at T&S are big fans of WordPress in general, and for many reasons. It’s a very versatile platform, and one of the tools we use through WordPress is a page builder plugin to create clients’ websites. Our team can still dip into the code when needed, it’s just not needed nearly as much now as it used to be. Beaver Builder is our page builder of choice, so let’s look at what it offers and why we like it.

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WordPress security plugins

By Tim Priebe | March 10, 2021

If you don’t take some security precautions on your website, you should consider adding some. You can never be too careful when it comes to your online presence. Let’s look specifically at WordPress and its security plugins, which include both free and paid options.

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Premier WordPress Web Designer award

By Jackie Bell | December 11, 2020

Here at T&S Online Marketing, we are dedicated to helping businesses and nonprofit organizations with their websites, online presences, search engine optimization, and more. We have had local recognition for years, and now, we have been getting recognized on a national basis. One of the platforms we use on a regular basis is WordPress, and recently, we have been awarded the Premier WordPress Web Designer Award. We are very honored!

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Must-have WordPress plugins — infographic

By Cole Battles | November 11, 2020

We are a digital marketing agency—in case you didn’t know—and we love building websites! We’ve been building websites since 2003 and have been using WordPress since 2010 or so.

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Animated GIFs in Mailchimp, Facebook, and WordPress!

By Leann Priebe | October 7, 2020

Animated GIFs are great, right? Whether you are using Facebook, Mailchimp, WordPress, or any social website, you can add a fun, personal touch to your writing by inserting a GIF. While animated GIFs have been around since the late 90s—remember those cheesy “website under construction” GIFs?—they’ve seen a resurgence in recent years.

Let’s look at how GIFs have come back, how to insert them, where to find free ones, how to make your own, and more.

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