
Articles about Hootsuite

Hootsuite and WordPress integration

By Leann Priebe | January 8, 2020

One of my main duties here at T&S is scheduling blogs and social media. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: WordPress, Hootsuite, and I have a love-hate relationship.

Don’t get me wrong! Those tools make what we do possible by allowing us to pre-schedule social media and blogs. But getting WordPress and Hootsuite to play nice together can sometimes feel like I’m parenting my three boys!

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Our best articles on digital marketing from 2018

By Leann Priebe | January 23, 2019

Happy new year, everyone! Well, technically we’re almost a month into 2019 now. But it’s not too late to reflect on 2018 to know what to work on in 2019.

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Hootsuite & Pinterest: Together at last

By Chloé Gee | July 3, 2018

If you haven’t heard the news, the social media scheduling tool Hootsuite finally rolled out a long-awaited partnership with none other than Pinterest. Hootsuite account-holders can now pin and schedule to Pinterest, and Hootsuite Impact users will be able to access important metrics and analytics on social reach.

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The new way to schedule Instagram posts with Hootsuite

By Tim Priebe | February 14, 2018

To quote one of my favorite television shows, Futurama, “Good news, everyone!” You can now schedule Instagram posts using Hootsuite, and other social media tools are working on rolling it out as well. “Wait, couldn’t you already do that?” you may be asking.

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Share your WordPress blogs with Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | June 21, 2017

WordPress, Hootsuite, and I have a love-hate relationship. But recently, when our solution for automatically sharing new WordPress blog articles on social media failed, I turned to Hootsuite to help me out.

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Synchronizing your times

By Leann Priebe | August 23, 2016

If you schedule things across more than one platform, it’s important to make sure that your time zones are accurate.
They need to all be the same across the board, and you need to make sure the time zone reflects where you are.
It sounds elementary, but it’s important to check! If you have a blog post scheduled to publish at 10 AM, and a social media update linking to that blog goes out at 8 AM that day, that link won’t work for two hours. Which could be pretty awkward.

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How to use Hootsuite’s new Analytics features

By Lauren Rogers | August 2, 2016

It’s no secret: here at T&S, we think Hootsuite is an awesome tool for scheduling social media ahead of time. But there’s a lot more you can do with it than that! You can check past social media updates, use Streams to compare several social media feeds at once, and even find new followers in the Contacts page.

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4 Hootsuite features that may be new to you

By Lauren Rogers | May 10, 2016

We love using Hootsuite to schedule social media posts ahead of time (it’s such a time-saver!) but there’s a lot more to it than that. Here are four less well-known uses for Hootsuite that you may want to add to your social media management plan.

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Schedule social media graphics in Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | December 29, 2015

Sharing great visual content on your social networks is a fantastic way to increase engagement. Using Hootsuite, you can pre-schedule your social media graphics to go out to multiple social media websites at once. That way, you save yourself the work of posting the graphics manually. Let’s find out how!

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Schedule a month of social media in Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | December 22, 2015

We’re a big believer in consistency in your social media presence. And creating your social media content in monthly batches is a great way to ensure that happens.

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