
Articles about AI

How do I start AI marketing?

By Michela Owen | July 17, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaking things up in the marketing world, offering some seriously smart tools and techniques to spice up your marketing game. If you’re keen on harnessing the power of AI, it’s crucial to grasp not just the what and the why but the how to integrate AI seamlessly into your marketing strategies.

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How AI can help with email marketing

By Tim Priebe | May 22, 2024

I love using AI, and I’ll say the same right up to the point we become subjugated by our robotic overlords. One of the many areas of marketing I use AI for is email marketing. Yes, email marketing can still be effective if done right.

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ChatGPT prompts for social media

By Tim Priebe | March 27, 2024

Combining AI with social media’s power can improve your marketing if done right. It’s like unlocking a secret level in a game where the rewards are more engagement, deeper connections, and, ultimately, a stronger business presence online. But what prompts should you use?

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Blogging for SEO with AI

By Tim Priebe | February 7, 2024

AI has left the world of shows I love (like Star Trek) and entered the mainstream. It’s transforming the way we approach digital marketing, and SEO is no exception. However, the key…

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How AI can help with SEO

By Tim Priebe | November 29, 2023

SEO, the art and science of getting your content to the top of search engine results pages, is a landscape that’s constantly changing, with search engines refining their algorithms and user behavior evolving.

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Logo design inspiration from AI

By Michela Owen | November 8, 2023

Let’s dive into the exciting world of logo design with a twist – we’re talking about AI, a.k.a. your creative intern. Now, let me be clear upfront: while AI can be an incredible source of inspiration, you might not want it to be your final logo designer (trust me, it can’t spell very well, and I can relate).

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How to extend the background of an image with AI

By Michela Owen | October 25, 2023

Oh, the alluring world of photography! Where a picture is worth a thousand words, and a good background is worth a thousand pictures. Okay, I’m not great at math, but your background is important! But what if your background falls short? Or what if your image isn’t quite the right dimensions, but you’d rather extend the background than crop the photo? Enter the magical realm of AI, the saving grace for us ‘mediocre’ photographers.

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How can I improve my business blog with AI?

By Tim Priebe | June 7, 2023

Blogging for your business or nonprofit is like trying to bathe your dog. It’s complicated and messy, and it may not work out if you’re not careful.

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