
Articles about WordPress

Do You Qualify for a Free WordPress Upgrade?

By Holly Kosec | August 6, 2013

It’s that time again! Every month this year since January we have been celebrating our 10th anniversary in business, and this month we have something awesome for all of our current and past clients.

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Should you upgrade WordPress?

By Tim Priebe | February 19, 2013

If your website uses WordPress, you may wonder if you should keep up to date on the most current copy of WordPress. Like anything, there are pros and cons to keeping it up to date. Let’s look at a few of those, so you can make an informed decision on your own.

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How To Get One Year of Free Website Hosting

By Tim Priebe | November 5, 2012

For years now, we’ve been providing hosting services. However, it was limited only to clients who we actually designed a website for. Starting this month, November 2012, we’re now providing hosting services to anyone who wants it. You can check out our new T&S Web Hosting website. In the meantime, let’s look at five reasons…

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Can you not update your own website?

By Tim Priebe | February 3, 2012

If your website was not made in the last couple years, chances are good that you need special software to update your website. And if you have more than one person updating your site, you have to pay for a copy of the software for each of them. And you may all still need knowledge…

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Making WordPress page headings different from the menu items

By Tim Priebe | May 17, 2010

Just a quick WordPress tip this time for theme developers, or people who just want to customize a WordPress theme they’ve purchased. Sometimes there are reasons to make a menu item slightly different from the title of the actual page. Perhaps your menu space is limited, but you have plenty of room in the content…

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Preventing jQuery conflicts in WordPress

By Guest Blogger | March 30, 2010

Okay, it’s programming pet peeve time. Well, specifically web programming pet peeves. And really just one, so forget the plural there. Here goes nothing. If you do any kind of web programming at all, you’ll have heard of jQuery, which is (according to this source: the most popular Javascript library in use today. It’s…

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Our CMS won an award!

By Tim Priebe | November 30, 2009

Okay, okay, it’s not technically our content management system, per se. But WordPress, the software that we install on 90% (or more) of our websites so clients can manage their own sites and blog if they so desire, recently won the 2009 Open Source CMS Award. WordPress started out as a blogging platform, and we…

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Display the top level category in WordPress

By Tim Priebe | July 16, 2009

The is just a quick WordPress code snippet for those WordPress programmers or code dabblers out there. Recently we needed a page in WordPress to display the top parent page title rather than the current page’s title as the heading on the page. Here’s the code we used to accomplish that: <? $currPost = $post;…

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