
Articles about domain name

What is the most credible domain name?

By Tim Priebe | February 21, 2024

Domain names make websites much easier to access, like looking up someone’s name on your phone instead of having to dial their phone number each time. But the domain you pick makes a difference!

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How to transfer your GoDaddy domain name

By Tim Priebe | August 30, 2023

Your domain name is the digital address of your online presence, and managing it effectively is crucial for the smooth functioning of your website. Whether you’re looking to move your domain name to another GoDaddy account or transfer it to a different registrar, understanding the process can save you headaches and ensure your online identity remains intact.

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What happens when your GoDaddy domain name expires?

By Michela Owen | February 8, 2023

GoDaddy is an excellent resource for domain registration & website building. However, keeping up with renewal dates and other account maintenance can be hectic when you have a million other responsibilities. Here is a complete timeline of how to renew your GoDaddy domain and what you need to do.

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How not to buy a domain name

By Leann Priebe | August 31, 2022

I’ve never purchased a domain name myself. But I have owned a digital marketing agency since 2003, so I’ve picked up on some common mistakes to avoid over the years. Plus, technically, I have owned one of our domain names with Tim since 2000. They were expensive back then!

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What domain name should I use?

By Chloé Gee | March 2, 2022

Your website’s domain name is a visitor’s first impression, meaning your domain name definitely matters! It’s a key element to your website. Domain names are not only a visitor’s first impression. They also affect your search engine optimization (SEO) and help define your brand. But with…

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How do I permanently buy a domain name?

By Tim Priebe | October 20, 2021

Domain names are great. Without them, we’d all be typing in long IP addresses that aren’t that memorable. Seriously, would you rather type in or Not counting major number nerds out there, domain names are the way to go!

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Does it matter where you buy your domain name?

By Tim Priebe | April 14, 2021

Buying a domain name can be exciting, frustrating, or even both. You have to consider whether you want a .com or something else, deal with your first choice being taken, and at the end, you’re finally the proud owner of your own real estate on the web. Well, you will be once you get a website created for the domain name. But does it matter where you purchase it? Where is the best place to buy your domain name?

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Free website builders

By Leann Priebe | January 6, 2021

While creating a website is essential for just about every business or organization, not everyone is in the same place as far as what they can afford to invest in. While we do our best to have various pricing options, we know not everyone can afford to invest in having a professional marketing team develop their website. That’s where free website builders come into play!

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How to get your website back

By Tim Priebe | August 14, 2019

Maybe your web developer disappeared. Maybe your webmaster is holding your website hostage. Maybe you’re fed up and ready to fire your web designer. Maybe an employee that registered everything has lost all the usernames passwords. You’ve lost control of your website!

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A more professional email address

By Tim Priebe | June 12, 2019

What does your email address say about you? Does using a Gmail or Yahoo email address come across as professional as one using your own domain? Obviously, it’s subjective. But first impressions are important, so you should put thought into your email address rather than just using that Gmail address you’ve had for the past ten years.

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