
Articles written by Cole Battles

Business card design ideas

By Cole Battles | December 23, 2020

Business cards are a must. I don’t always make controversial statements like that, but we need to talk about it. Okay, maybe “controversial” is an exaggeration, but a business card that doesn’t adequately represent your organization or you as a person can leave a bad taste in the mouth of prospects, clients, and colleagues.

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Must-have WordPress plugins — infographic

By Cole Battles | November 11, 2020

We are a digital marketing agency—in case you didn’t know—and we love building websites! We’ve been building websites since 2003 and have been using WordPress since 2010 or so.

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25 Facebook cover photos for businesses

By Cole Battles | September 16, 2020

If you want your organization’s Facebook page to look professional, a good looking cover photo is essential. While not everyone will judge you based on how professional your cover photo is, some will. And you want your cover photo—and profile image—to inspire feelings of trust. So how do you do that?

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25 writing tips for digital marketing

By Cole Battles | August 26, 2020

A huge part of any digital marketing plan is good, quality, consistent content. And all that content means you need to spend a lot of time writing. Writing can be hard! Here are 25 tips you can use to make your writing easier and more effective.

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How to market on Pinterest – Infographic

By Cole Battles | August 12, 2020

As a graphic designer, I probably use Pinterest more than the average male. I find myself creating boards and looking for inspiration for web design, logo creation, print design, and loads of other design projects almost every day. But did you know 40% of Pinterest users are men? Your ideal client may spend more time on Pinterest than you realize.

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Tips for a versatile logo

By Cole Battles | June 10, 2020

I may be biased as a graphic designer, but I believe your logo is important. It’s one of the main ways people identify your organization on your website, social media, business cards, letterhead, promotional materials like hats and shirts, and pretty much everywhere. And since you’re going to have it on many those places, it’s important for it to be versatile! So how can you make sure your logo is easy to use everywhere? I’ve seen my fair share of logos that were versatile and plenty that weren’t. Here are a few considerations if you want your logo to be versatile.

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A more professional email address – infographic

By Cole Battles | May 27, 2020

Did you realize that an unprofessional email address makes you look unprofessional? Are you inadvertently making a bad first impression with your email address? Sure, not everyone will make assumptions based on your email address. But some people will. That means in order to be sure you make a good impression, you need to have an address that comes off as professional.

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Are WordPress sites easy to hack?

By Cole Battles | May 13, 2020

One of my many job duties is helping to back up and upgrade the WordPress websites we manage. While there are several reasons we do that on a regular basis, the main reason is security. WordPress has been around since May of 2003. While it has definitely evolved over time, so have the efforts of hackers. Which begs the question: Are WordPress websites easy to hack?

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More free LinkedIn background images

By Cole Battles | March 11, 2020

LinkedIn is great for people wanting to create and grow their professional network. It’s important to put some time into your LinkedIn profile—and Company Page—if you really want to make utilize it. And a huge part of that is your LinkedIn cover photo—also known as your background image.

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How to find blog topics – infographic

By Cole Battles | February 26, 2020

For years we’ve been working with clients that understand that it’s a good idea to blog, but have no clue what they would blog about. While you should certainly get more strategic as time goes on, the old quote attributed to Mark Twain holds true: “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”

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