
Articles about branding

Logo design inspiration from AI

By Michela Owen | November 8, 2023

Let’s dive into the exciting world of logo design with a twist – we’re talking about AI, a.k.a. your creative intern. Now, let me be clear upfront: while AI can be an incredible source of inspiration, you might not want it to be your final logo designer (trust me, it can’t spell very well, and I can relate).

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Our core values and why your company needs some, too

By Chloé Gee | January 19, 2022

For businesses to benefit and bring value to their organization and its customers, they should first establish core values to serve as principles for their culture, identity, goals, direction, and more.

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12 signs your business cards stink

By Chloé Gee | April 7, 2021

Business cards are a massive part of businesses’ brand identity, but it’s amazing how many bad ones I run across. Of course, I’m probably a little biased since we design business cards, but many people have handed me their card, and then I immediately have to make my best effort to hide my horror at just how bad they are.

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Common website design mistakes

By Chloé Gee | January 20, 2021

If you’re trying to grow your brand and bring more traffic to your website, you should be aware of a few common mistakes that people make when designing a website.

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Business card design ideas

By Cole Battles | December 23, 2020

Business cards are a must. I don’t always make controversial statements like that, but we need to talk about it. Okay, maybe “controversial” is an exaggeration, but a business card that doesn’t adequately represent your organization or you as a person can leave a bad taste in the mouth of prospects, clients, and colleagues.

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Tips for a versatile logo

By Cole Battles | June 10, 2020

I may be biased as a graphic designer, but I believe your logo is important. It’s one of the main ways people identify your organization on your website, social media, business cards, letterhead, promotional materials like hats and shirts, and pretty much everywhere. And since you’re going to have it on many those places, it’s important for it to be versatile! So how can you make sure your logo is easy to use everywhere? I’ve seen my fair share of logos that were versatile and plenty that weren’t. Here are a few considerations if you want your logo to be versatile.

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Our best articles on digital marketing from 2018

By Leann Priebe | January 23, 2019

Happy new year, everyone! Well, technically we’re almost a month into 2019 now. But it’s not too late to reflect on 2018 to know what to work on in 2019.

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Color palettes you can steal

By Cole Battles | August 8, 2018

Today’s topic is color palettes. Whether you are creating a brand, building your website, opening a store, or just making an infographic, it’s important to define your creation’s identity. Color is…

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Color personalities and how to choose yours

By Cole Battles | July 18, 2018

When you make something for people to look at, you generally want them to feel a certain way. This is especially true when it comes to branding, logos, websites, and the like.

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Need design inspiration for your website?

By Holly Kosec | November 15, 2017

Whether you’re creating a completely new website or refreshing an existing one, at some point your web designer is going to ask what you want the website to look like. What style? What colors? What logo, photos, or other elements?

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