Auto-post from WordPress to Instagram

By Tim Priebe on February 23, 2022

By Tim Priebe on February 23, 2022

Is your business or nonprofit utilizing Instagram for marketing? Do you regularly blog using WordPress? Are you looking for a way to post your WordPress blog posts to your Instagram account automatically? Fortunately, there are several options to do just that!

Scheduling your posts ahead of time can be a huge timesaver, and it is a great way to make sure that your followers always have fresh content to look at. Let’s take a look!

Manually using a social media scheduling tool

Several social media scheduling tools are available online, and many of them offer a free trial period. Here are a few options to consider:

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll need to add your Facebook account and Instagram account since they’re integrated. Then when you schedule a blog in WordPress, simply take some of the text and one of the images, and use that for your blog post scheduled through whichever tool you chose.

Using a WordPress plugin

A social media scheduling tool can be a great way to ensure that all of your posts go out on time, but it can also be a little bit time-consuming. If you are looking for a more automated solution, a WordPress plugin can help with this.

NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster allows you to automatically post your new WordPress blog posts as images to your Instagram account. It does take a little bit of technical know-how to get set up, and you’ll have to make sure the connection is working on an ongoing basis. But on the plus side, it will also publish on several other platforms.

Using a third-party tool

IFTTT—If This Then That—is a third-party web-based tool that allows you to create “recipes” that connect different online services. These recipes are made up of “if this then that” statements, and you can use them to automate various tasks.

One of the ways that you can use IFTTT to automate Instagram postings is by connecting your WordPress account and your Instagram account to the tool. Then you can set up a recipe so that when you publish a new blog post on WordPress, it will automatically be posted as an image on Instagram.

As you can see, there are various ways that you can connect your WordPress blog posts and Instagram account. My preference? I like control, so I want it all to be just barely automatic. I like to craft the Instagram post myself and schedule it manually using a social media scheduling tool.

You’ll need to determine which option is the best for your business or organization before implementing it. If you need help with your blog, Instagram, or even WordPress, we’d be happy to talk!

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