
Articles about marketing mindset

What skills are needed for digital marketing?

By Leann Priebe | May 29, 2024

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I never meant to start a digital marketing company. But now we’re here, so it’s important to know what skills you actually need for digital marketing, regardless of whether you ended up doing marketing intentionally or not.

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7 ways to market strategically in 2024

By Tim Priebe | December 6, 2023

As 2024 approaches, the digital marketing landscape isn’t just changing; it’s evolving at warp speed. And here at the tail end of 2023, it’s our chance to grab the reins and steer our marketing strategies towards uncharted territories, armed with the latest tech and insights.

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Inbound 2022 recap: Actionable takeaways

By Tim Priebe | September 14, 2022

HubSpot’s annual conference, Inbound 2022, took place just last week. Leann and I were fortunate to be able to attend. While we’ve been HubSpot partners for just 10 months now, we’ve been helping clients with HubSpot for years, and with digital marketing in general for nearly two decades.

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Our core values and why your company needs some, too

By Chloé Gee | January 19, 2022

For businesses to benefit and bring value to their organization and its customers, they should first establish core values to serve as principles for their culture, identity, goals, direction, and more.

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Marketing mistakes that make my blood boil

By Chloé Gee | September 8, 2021

I love good marketing. That’s why I went to college and got a degree in Strategic Communication, and that’s why I’m on the board of our local chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators. And it’s the reason I work in marketing now. With all that passion for great marketing, nothing makes my jaw drop in shock like really horrible marketing mistakes. The good news? It’s never too late to fix your mistakes! Without any further ado, here are eight marketing mistakes that make my blood boil.

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A marketing plan template

By Chloé Gee | February 10, 2021

Marketing without a plan is a huge mistake! A marketing plan is essential to help your business or nonprofit stay focused and achieve your goals. Without a set plan, it can be a huge challenge to track your progress. Need a template? You just need to fill in each of these sections…

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Do nonprofits need social media?

By Chloé Gee | September 30, 2020

Does your nonprofit need social media accounts? Nonprofits require volunteers, donors, ambassadors, and public outreach in order to function. Social media would make sense for your organization if you want to dedicate time and energy to driving engagement, increasing website traffic, and generally increasing communication and exposure through an online social network. The question then becomes: How should nonprofits use social media?

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Determining your online marketing budget

By Tim Priebe | July 29, 2020

There’s an old saying in business that says “What gets measured gets managed.” Are you running your organization’s marketing that way?

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50 nonprofit digital marketing ideas

By Leann Priebe | April 29, 2020

We’ve mentioned it before, but we love nonprofits here at T&S! We’ve been working with them ever since it was just Tim and I running things. We like volunteering at nonprofits, we like donating auction items to nonprofits, and some of our team has even served on multiple nonprofit boards. Of course, the way we’ve helped nonprofits the longest is by working with them on their digital marketing. So without further ado, here are 50 ideas for nonprofit digital marketing that work!

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How to promote your webinar

By Tim Priebe | March 25, 2020

If you’re being proactive with your marketing, you may be considering putting on an educational webinar. For many business and nonprofits—especially those that provide professional services—a webinar can be a great way to showcase your expertise and promote your organization. Of course, the actual content needs to be great. When it is, it’s a great promotional tool and can even be used to build your email list. But did you realize you still need to promote the webinar itself? And have you thought about effective follow-up afterward?

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