
Articles about design

LinkedIn background templates for Canva

By Michela Owen | November 13, 2024

Your LinkedIn background is like the wallpaper in your professional living room. You don’t want it to scream “default gray box,” right? A polished background makes your profile look intentional, professional, and—dare we say—impressive.

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Logo design inspiration from AI

By Michela Owen | November 8, 2023

Let’s dive into the exciting world of logo design with a twist – we’re talking about AI, a.k.a. your creative intern. Now, let me be clear upfront: while AI can be an incredible source of inspiration, you might not want it to be your final logo designer (trust me, it can’t spell very well, and I can relate).

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12 awesome things you can do with Gravity Forms

By Chloé Gee | January 5, 2022

You can get really creative when creating websites. If you ever need to include a contact form, survey, employment application, review form, or something else along those lines, we recommend using Gravity Forms.

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12 signs your business cards stink

By Chloé Gee | April 7, 2021

Business cards are a massive part of businesses’ brand identity, but it’s amazing how many bad ones I run across. Of course, I’m probably a little biased since we design business cards, but many people have handed me their card, and then I immediately have to make my best effort to hide my horror at just how bad they are.

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Common website design mistakes

By Chloé Gee | January 20, 2021

If you’re trying to grow your brand and bring more traffic to your website, you should be aware of a few common mistakes that people make when designing a website.

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Business card design ideas

By Cole Battles | December 23, 2020

Business cards are a must. I don’t always make controversial statements like that, but we need to talk about it. Okay, maybe “controversial” is an exaggeration, but a business card that doesn’t adequately represent your organization or you as a person can leave a bad taste in the mouth of prospects, clients, and colleagues.

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YouTube thumbnail tools

By Chloé Gee | August 19, 2020

Whether it’s for me personally, one of our clients, or us here at T&S, I love for marketing material to look amazing. And I also like to be able to do things on my own. Maybe you like both of those things as well. If you’re using YouTube as part of your marketing, there are tools available to help you make your thumbnails look amazing. Best of all, they’re free tools!

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How to make picture quotes on Instagram

By Tim Priebe | July 15, 2020

You’ve probably seen those good looking pictures with text over them on Instagram, or another social media platform. Something with an inspirational quote, promotional message, or even something funny over the top of a good looking photo can help you connect with your audience. But maybe, like me, you’ve thought, “I’m not a graphic designer. How can I make something like that?” I have great news! There is an easy-to-use tool that can help.

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Tips for a versatile logo

By Cole Battles | June 10, 2020

I may be biased as a graphic designer, but I believe your logo is important. It’s one of the main ways people identify your organization on your website, social media, business cards, letterhead, promotional materials like hats and shirts, and pretty much everywhere. And since you’re going to have it on many those places, it’s important for it to be versatile! So how can you make sure your logo is easy to use everywhere? I’ve seen my fair share of logos that were versatile and plenty that weren’t. Here are a few considerations if you want your logo to be versatile.

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Can anyone do web design?

By Chloé Gee | May 6, 2020

With the advent of do-it-yourself website design and creation tools, you may want to design your own website. Sure, some people go to school and get a graphic design degree after putting in hundreds or thousands of hours, but anyone can create a website, right?

Well, yes. Actually, anyone can create a website. But that doesn’t mean that everyone should.

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