
Articles about Twitter

Should my business be on Twitter in 2023?

By Leann Priebe | May 31, 2023

It’s 2023, and Twitter is still around. In the last year, the platform has gone through more changes than a chameleon on a disco dance floor. From new features to controversial policy updates, it’s enough to make a small business owner wonder, “Should my business still be on Twitter?”

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Twitter marketing strategy guide

By Tim Priebe | June 1, 2022

Ah, Twitter. Who knows who will even own Twitter by the end of 2022? Will it still be the stockholders? Possibly. Will it be Elon Musk? Maybe. Will it be me? Probably not. But who can say for sure?

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Grow your Twitter audience with #FollowFriday

By Lauren Rogers | October 19, 2016

You’ve spent time cultivating meaningful relationships within your networks. And as long as you aren’t rude or spammy about it, it makes sense to ask for their help in building up your audience online. Here’s one specific way…

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How to build your social media recipe

By Tim Priebe | September 22, 2015

Frustrated with the effectiveness of your organization’s social media presence? I’m going to share with you the method we use at T&S for both ourselves and our clients to determine the right recipe for social media.

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10 tips for your social media graphics

By Holly Kosec | June 9, 2015

Social media graphics are a great way to engage with your audience, and catch their attention. But getting started with your graphics planning can feel a little daunting at first, especially with all of the possibilities out there. You may not even know where to start, and that’s okay!

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Use MailChimp Social Cards to increase shareability

By Tim Priebe | May 19, 2015

If you’re a MailChimp user, there are likely a lot of features you haven’t utilized. Many of those features take very little time to set up, but can be those final details that your email newsletter has that most others don’t. One such feature is MailChimp’s Social Cards, which can increase your email campaign’s shareability. Let’s take a look at what Social Cards are and three tips for really making use of them.

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How to make your website social

By Tim Priebe | March 10, 2015

If you’re like many others, your website was created several years ago. And now you may have a presence on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and others. So how can you integrate your social efforts into your website?

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How to get targeted Twitter followers

By Tim Priebe | February 17, 2015

In general, the more active you are on Twitter, the more followers you’ll be able to get regardless of the specific tactic used. Time and consistent tweeting can net you thousands of Twitter followers, however, a lot of those won’t be in your target market. So how can you get targeted Twitter followers?

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7 best practices to build your audience online

By Tim Priebe | September 9, 2014

Social media management can be a challenge. You have to worry about setting up sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn the correct way. You have to share updates on a consistent basis. And you need to build your audience.

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6 social media sites you should know

By Tim Priebe | July 15, 2014

If you market your organization online, you need to be aware of the basics about the six social media sites that are currently the most popular and usable by businesses. Are you familiar with all of them? If so, should you be using them, or would you just be wasting time and resources?

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