
Articles about WordPress

Animated GIFs in Mailchimp, Facebook, and WordPress!

By Leann Priebe | October 7, 2020

Animated GIFs are great, right? Whether you are using Facebook, Mailchimp, WordPress, or any social website, you can add a fun, personal touch to your writing by inserting a GIF. While animated GIFs have been around since the late 90s—remember those cheesy “website under construction” GIFs?—they’ve seen a resurgence in recent years.

Let’s look at how GIFs have come back, how to insert them, where to find free ones, how to make your own, and more.

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How the WordPress login works

By Leann Priebe | July 8, 2020

WordPress is a powerful website building platform, and one of the most frequently used content management systems, a.k.a. CMSs. We’ve used it for years here at T&S, and we love it! Even if you’re a DIYer looking to start a website, you can install WordPress and get up and running. It’s a flexible system with many different plugins and themes. There are a lot of reasons to use it!

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Wix vs Squarespace vs WordPress

By Chloé Gee | July 1, 2020

You used to have to know a lot of HTML to build a website, and even then it was no guarantee it’d look good. That’s no longer the case! Now you can build a really good looking website without a ton of time and hassle with some of the What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) website builders out there. Wix, Squarespace and WordPress are the main options on the market. While WordPress is our personal favorite here at T&S, all three bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.

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Are WordPress sites easy to hack?

By Cole Battles | May 13, 2020

One of my many job duties is helping to back up and upgrade the WordPress websites we manage. While there are several reasons we do that on a regular basis, the main reason is security. WordPress has been around since May of 2003. While it has definitely evolved over time, so have the efforts of hackers. Which begs the question: Are WordPress websites easy to hack?

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Hootsuite and WordPress integration

By Leann Priebe | January 8, 2020

One of my main duties here at T&S is scheduling blogs and social media. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: WordPress, Hootsuite, and I have a love-hate relationship.

Don’t get me wrong! Those tools make what we do possible by allowing us to pre-schedule social media and blogs. But getting WordPress and Hootsuite to play nice together can sometimes feel like I’m parenting my three boys!

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Is WordPress SEO friendly?

By Tim Priebe | November 27, 2019

I’ve used WordPress since 2009, and I’ve helped tons of people with SEO during that time. And every once in a while, I hear one of two things: “I hear WordPress is great for SEO.” or “I’ve heard WordPress is terrible for SEO!” So which one is true? As with most things in life, it just depends.

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How to maintain a WordPress website

By Tim Priebe | July 10, 2019

We’ve been creating WordPress websites since 1909. Wait, I’m pretty sure my notes are wrong and we actually started in 2009. That seems a lot more likely. We’ve launched hundreds of websites. Some of our clients now manage their own websites, while others have us manage their websites for them. And while we’ve always offered hands on training with our clients and had training videos available as well, we’ve never put together a guide on managing your own WordPress website.

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How to prevent link rot

By Tim Priebe | June 26, 2019

Link rot. Sounds gross, right? Really, it’s just another name for a broken link. But it’s something you need to be aware of if you’re managing a website on an ongoing basis.

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How to install Google Fonts on your website

By Tim Priebe | March 28, 2018

Years ago, we were limited to just a handful of fonts on the web. There were only a dozen or so that all computers typically had in common. Thankfully, web fonts have come a long way. One of the more popular options now for putting fonts on your website is Google Fonts.

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Why we use BackupBuddy for WordPress backups

By Tim Priebe | March 14, 2018

Regardless of what system your website is running on, one of the basic security measures you should be taking is backing it up on a regular basis. That way, if anything happens, you’ll always have a backup you can revert to. So if you use WordPress, what backup solution should you go with?

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