
Articles about YouTube

What makes a good video thumbnail?

By Leann Priebe | March 22, 2023

If you’re anything like me, you have been down a few YouTube rabbit holes. I’ll start watching my favorite make-up artist, and then hours later, I’m watching a video of Judge Judy! Every day, millions of users watch videos they never intended to. This is due in part to exciting thumbnails!

But how can you make your video thumbnails enticing on YouTube and elsewhere?

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YouTube thumbnail tools

By Chloé Gee | August 19, 2020

Whether it’s for me personally, one of our clients, or us here at T&S, I love for marketing material to look amazing. And I also like to be able to do things on my own. Maybe you like both of those things as well. If you’re using YouTube as part of your marketing, there are tools available to help you make your thumbnails look amazing. Best of all, they’re free tools!

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Enhance your video strategy with YouTube premieres

By Leann Priebe | March 27, 2019

YouTube has a new upload feature for your videos! Now whenever you click on the upload button at the top of the page, you will have the option to schedule a premiere. What does this mean? And what does it do?

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Our best articles on digital marketing from 2018

By Leann Priebe | January 23, 2019

Happy new year, everyone! Well, technically we’re almost a month into 2019 now. But it’s not too late to reflect on 2018 to know what to work on in 2019.

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How to get YouTube subscribers

By Leann Priebe | October 10, 2018

Online video is here to stay, and YouTube is the premier social platform for digital marketing with videos. More than 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube each day, and that stat is already a few years old! And as early as 2011, 85.3% of US Internet users viewed videos online

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How to improve your YouTube channel in 30 minutes

By Tim Priebe | June 20, 2018

Getting ready to be more active on YouTube? Recently started publishing videos on a regular basis? If you’re like many others, your YouTube channel may look a little threadbare. Have no fear! In just 30 minutes or so, you can turn it all around. Here are some tips you can implement quickly.

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How to generate (qualified) leads with online video

By Tim Priebe | June 28, 2017

Sure, videos look awesome, but you need to make money, right? Of course you do! And for many businesses, generating leads is the key to measurable return on your online video investment. But anyone can generate leads online. Qualified leads are even better!

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Should your video be on Facebook or YouTube?

By Lauren Rogers | May 24, 2017

Facebook and YouTube are two of biggest platforms you can use to share your organization’s videos online. (Read about some of the others here.)

But you’ll have different results with your videos depending on whether you upload them to Facebook or YouTube.

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How not to build your audience on YouTube

By Leann Priebe | April 26, 2017

I’m a huge YouTube fan. I’ll pass many evenings sitting on the couch or lying in bed watching YouTube videos. I subscribe to a number of channels. And that’s because those YouTubers are building their audience the right way.

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Online video platform options

By Tim Priebe | April 19, 2017

Hooray for online videos! With the demand for online video only increasing, smart marketers should definitely be considering it as a tool in their digital marketing toolbox. If you decide to use it, part of your strategy is deciding which video platform makes the most sense for you.

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