
Articles about fonts

How to install Google Fonts on your website

By Tim Priebe | March 28, 2018

Years ago, we were limited to just a handful of fonts on the web. There were only a dozen or so that all computers typically had in common. Thankfully, web fonts have come a long way. One of the more popular options now for putting fonts on your website is Google Fonts.

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Picking a replacement web font

By Holly Kosec | December 20, 2017

So you’ve been using an awesome font you love in all your print material. It looks great on your business cards, your brochures, and your fliers. Then you tell your web gal—or guy—that you want to use it on your website as well.

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Your new favorite typography tool:

By Holly Kosec | August 19, 2014

Picking out the right font for a project can be a difficult task, and if you have as many fonts as I do on your computer, it can also be very time-consuming. That’s where my new favorite typography tool,, comes in handy.

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15 Fantastic Web Fonts for Body Text

By Holly Kosec | September 17, 2012

Last week we focused on how to make the headlines on your site pop. Now, what about all of the rest of the text? In many cases, simply Arial or Helvetica can do the trick, but sometimes we have a more specific look-and-feel in mind.

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15 Fantastic Web Fonts for Headlines

By Holly Kosec | September 10, 2012

Good typography can make or break your site. That’s why it’s important to always be on the lookout for clean, awesome fonts. Choosing a headline font is one of the most important font choices you will make. When most people read a website, they skim the page to find the information they are looking for.…

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11 Killer Resources for Designers

By Holly Kosec | August 6, 2012

A designer’s creativity and imagination are two key ingredients when it comes to making a successful design. But sometimes, even a great designer can use a little boost, whether that’s from an awesome tool that makes your life easier, or a showcase that helps spark a new idea. And so, because sharing is caring, here…

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Improve Content Absorption

By Guest Blogger | November 12, 2009

Hey, I’m Elyssa Dolinger, a recent T&S designer hire (Yeah! Helping to even out our designer/programmer ratio.) and I believe strongly in the power of information design. Print design theory can really help in classing up a web page. More importantly, print designers are used to working with a lot of content. A lot of…

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The Art of Typography

By Guest Blogger | November 11, 2008

Many designers come up with amazing concepts while brainstorming for a project, and everything appears to be perfect up until the actual design starts. Many times, the artwork doesn’t always emphasize the potential of the original idea. One of the biggest problems is the wrong use of typefaces. Something every designer should understand is the…

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