
Articles written by Tim Priebe

Behind the scenes: the story of our recent hiatus

By Tim Priebe | July 3, 2024

This blog is different than normal, at least for us. You may or may not have noticed, but this year has been a bit crazy for Leann and me personally. If that doesn’t interest you, feel free to skip this particular blog. But if you’re interested in a short personal update and some business-related reflections, feel free to read on.

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What is a LinkedIn marketing strategy?

By Tim Priebe | June 26, 2024

LinkedIn has evolved from a simple resume-hosting networking site to a powerful platform for business marketing and professional branding. With over 800 million users, LinkedIn offers vast opportunities for businesses to connect with industry professionals, generate leads, and establish thought leadership.

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Major SEO factors list

By Tim Priebe | June 5, 2024

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is super important, although I may be biased. If you want to be found online, that’s how you improve your visibility and attract organic traffic. Understanding and implementing effective SEO strategies can significantly enhance a website’s performance in search engine results.

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How AI can help with email marketing

By Tim Priebe | May 22, 2024

I love using AI, and I’ll say the same right up to the point we become subjugated by our robotic overlords. One of the many areas of marketing I use AI for is email marketing. Yes, email marketing can still be effective if done right.

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Is HubSpot’s marketing hub worth it?

By Tim Priebe | May 8, 2024

HubSpot’s marketing hub can be a great tool to help you work smarter, not harder. It can help with marketing automation, sales and marketing alignment, and more. But is it worth the investment that some would consider hefty?

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Is marketing important for nonprofit organizations?

By Tim Priebe | April 17, 2024

Is marketing important for nonprofit organizations? Yes. Yes, it is. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.Seriously, though, marketing isn’t just for big corporations chasing profits! It can be a game-changer for nonprofits, too! While every organization’s journey is unique, finding the right marketing approach can supercharge your mission and make a real difference.

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How is Threads doing?

By Tim Priebe | April 10, 2024

Since its launch on July 5, 2023, Threads has woven itself into the fabric of social media conversations, sparking curiosity and skepticism in equal measure. Well, maybe more skepticism than curiosity.

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50 facts about the Backslash team

By Tim Priebe | April 3, 2024

At Backslash Creative, we’re not just about pixels and print; we’re a blend of personalities as vibrant and varied as the designs we create. In fact, balance, teamwork, and relationships are three of our six core values. Each of our team members has their own quirky characteristics, personal passions, and even idiosyncratic interests.

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ChatGPT prompts for social media

By Tim Priebe | March 27, 2024

Combining AI with social media’s power can improve your marketing if done right. It’s like unlocking a secret level in a game where the rewards are more engagement, deeper connections, and, ultimately, a stronger business presence online. But what prompts should you use?

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How does the LinkedIn algorithm work in 2024?

By Tim Priebe | March 6, 2024

LinkedIn has become a great platform for B2B companies and those targeting the more affluent, white-collar demographic. It’s more than just a platform; it’s a critical tool for amplifying your professional narrative, whether for personal branding or elevating your company’s profile.

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