
Articles about LinkedIn

A system to use LinkedIn for business development

By Tim Priebe | June 17, 2020

Maybe you have thought to yourself, “Self, I should really be doing more on LinkedIn, but I have no clue how I can get more business using it.” If so, you’re not alone! I frequently talk to business owners and salespeople who have heard about other people having success on LinkedIn, but don’t know how to get started themselves. We’ll dive into a system to use LinkedIn for business development here in a moment, but first let’s answer this question: Should you even be using LinkedIn?

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More free LinkedIn background images

By Cole Battles | March 11, 2020

LinkedIn is great for people wanting to create and grow their professional network. It’s important to put some time into your LinkedIn profile—and Company Page—if you really want to make utilize it. And a huge part of that is your LinkedIn cover photo—also known as your background image.

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20 more LinkedIn resources

By Tim Priebe | February 19, 2020

It may be hard to believe, but LinkedIn started way back in 2003, the same year we launched T&S Online Marketing! If you’re in the B2B space, then you probably already know LinkedIn is a must. Not only should you have a profile for your personal presence there, but you also need a Company Page as well. But if you’re like many people I talk with…

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A system for LinkedIn Company Page followers and leads

By Tim Priebe | November 14, 2018

If your target market or ideal client includes white collar workers, CEOs, business owners, or those in HR, then you should probably be utilizing LinkedIn. There are a million resources out there for individuals to utilize LinkedIn, but it’s different when it comes to your LinkedIn Company Page.

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Improve your organization’s presence on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | February 28, 2018

If your organization provides professional services, it can benefit you to look good on LinkedIn. The platform definitely skews toward the professional services industry, but even if you’re in another industry, it can still be a great tool.

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Share your WordPress blogs with Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | June 21, 2017

WordPress, Hootsuite, and I have a love-hate relationship. But recently, when our solution for automatically sharing new WordPress blog articles on social media failed, I turned to Hootsuite to help me out.

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Instant messaging on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | June 7, 2017

Recently, LinkedIn made some pretty major changes to how messages can work on their platform. Among other things, they added some features that let messages function more like instant messaging, similar to Facebook.

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Outperform 51% of LinkedIn members in an afternoon

By Lauren Rogers | May 17, 2017

LinkedIn is a platform where a lot of people feel like they “should” have a presence, but don’t really know what it should look like or what the actual purpose is.

Sound familiar? That’s okay.

LinkedIn is useful if you’re building a professional network, maintaining connections, looking for a job, or want to be seen as an industry expert.

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Improve your LinkedIn profile in 30 minutes

By Tim Priebe | March 22, 2017

Let’s be real. You may or may not have already read my ebook, Take charge of your LinkedIn profile in 25 steps. But that’s a lot of steps! To quote a fellow Oklahoman that turned into a nation-wide meme, ain’t nobody got time for that!

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LinkedIn’s new Company Pages

By Holly Kosec | December 13, 2016

LinkedIn is important for many businesses and nonprofits, so when I found out that LinkedIn was overhauling their Company Pages yet again, I was cautiously optimistic. There’s always room for improvement, but…

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