
Articles written by Lauren Rogers

Should your video be on Facebook or YouTube?

By Lauren Rogers | May 24, 2017

Facebook and YouTube are two of biggest platforms you can use to share your organization’s videos online. (Read about some of the others here.)

But you’ll have different results with your videos depending on whether you upload them to Facebook or YouTube.

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Stevie the intern is our new Creator of Things!

By Lauren Rogers | May 19, 2017

Stevie has been one of our interns for several months now, and recently, the powers-that-be decided that she should be around even more! (Okay, it was Tim and Leann.)

Her first full-time week was earlier this month, and she has been helping us with everything from website backups, to site updates, to blog writing. We love having her on our team, and thought we’d interview her so you can get to know her too!

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Outperform 51% of LinkedIn members in an afternoon

By Lauren Rogers | May 17, 2017

LinkedIn is a platform where a lot of people feel like they “should” have a presence, but don’t really know what it should look like or what the actual purpose is.

Sound familiar? That’s okay.

LinkedIn is useful if you’re building a professional network, maintaining connections, looking for a job, or want to be seen as an industry expert.

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Best of PixelTV (a somewhat biased list)

By Lauren Rogers | May 5, 2017

You might be familiar with our PixelTV online video series—or maybe not—but we thought it would be fun to pull out some of the PixelTV videos we’re most proud of and share them with you anyway.

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Better headlines without a journalism degree

By Lauren Rogers | March 29, 2017

We all want more clicks, right? Whether you use your website to gather leads, get people to make donations, or actually sell items online, you have to get people there to make it all happen. And a key to that is writing better headlines.

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Be a MailChamp, not a MailChump!

By Lauren Rogers | March 8, 2017

We love MailChimp here at T&S. But if you don’t use it super often like we do, it’s possible you can make a mistake that leaves you with egg on your face.
Since we send dozens of email campaigns with MailChimp every month, we’ve learned some best practices. After all, we’re not perfect either!

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Get ready for the BONUS BLOGS!

By Lauren Rogers | February 3, 2017

Did you read that title in a monster truck announcer voice? Because I wrote it in one. But that’s weird…

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Instagram’s business functionality

By Lauren Rogers | January 17, 2017

According to Facebook (which, by the way, owns Instagram), 60% of people surveyed learn about a product or service on Instagram, and 75% of the people surveyed take action after being inspired by a post.
If Instagram makes sense with your industry, company culture, and target market, having a business account on Instagram does a few useful things for you.

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Staff reactions to our 2016 survey

By Lauren Rogers | December 27, 2016

Last week, we released an infographic sharing what we learned in our 2016 Email Newsletter Subscriber Survey. Now, of course Holly did a great job with the infographic. But if you…

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Five nonprofit social media best practices

By Lauren Rogers | November 22, 2016

If you’re responsible for the social media at your nonprofit organization, chances are good that it’s one of many important tasks on your plate!

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