20 more LinkedIn resources

By Tim Priebe on February 19, 2020

By Tim Priebe on February 19, 2020

It may be hard to believe, but LinkedIn started way back in 2003, the same year we launched our company! If you’re in the B2B space, then you probably already know LinkedIn is a must. Not only should you have a profile for your personal presence there, but you also need a Company Page as well.

But if you’re like many people I talk with, you may have said something along the lines of, “I just don’t understand LinkedIn.” It’s time to educate yourself! Several years back I shared 16 awesome LinkedIn resources. This time around, let’s take a look at 20 more.

Resources from LinkedIn

To kick things off, why not go directly to the source? LinkedIn itself is a wealth of information, and they have that spread across a few different places.

  1. Official LinkedIn Blog
  2. LinkedIn Help
  3. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions
  4. LinkedIn Learning

Resources from Sandler

If you’re in sales, Sandler has tons of great sales resources. But they also continue to release resources specifically related to LinkedIn. In fact, I was actually involved in putting together all of the resources below.

  1. Creating a strategic social network
  2. How to get recommendations on LinkedIn
  3. LinkedIn activities for your cookbook

Resources from Us

Speaking of resources I was involved in putting together, here at T&S we’ve continued to put out our own LinkedIn resources over the years. Here are just a few of them.

  1. A system for LinkedIn Company Page followers and leads
  2. Improve your organization’s presence on LinkedIn
  3. Outperform 51% of LinkedIn members in an afternoon

Other LinkedIn Resources

Finally, here’s a smattering of LinkedIn resources from around the web.

  1. A 4-Step Guide to Using Hashtags Effectively on LinkedIn
  2. A beginner’s guide to LinkedIn
  3. A Guide to Optimizing your LinkedIn Profile
  4. How to Advertise on LinkedIn
  5. How to Succeed With LinkedIn Ads
  6. Introduction to LinkedIn
  7. LinkedIn Page Content Strategy
  8. SEO guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile
  9. The Beginner’s Guide to LinkedIn Marketing
  10. The Ultimate LinkedIn Cheat Sheet

What are you waiting for? Start digging into these resources and get started on improving your LinkedIn presence today.

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