Improve your LinkedIn profile in 30 minutes

By Tim Priebe on March 22, 2017

By Tim Priebe on March 22, 2017

Let’s be real. You may or may not have already read my ebook, Take charge of your LinkedIn profile in 25 steps. But that’s a lot of steps! To quote a fellow Oklahoman that turned into a nation-wide meme, ain’t nobody got time for that!

Since I’m just as lazy as you are, here are the low hanging fruit. Most people should be able to get through this list in 15-30 minutes, max. If it takes you longer than that, I’ll refund your money. You know, however much you paid to read this blog.

Okay, enough tomfoolery, let’s get into it!

Take a profile picture

Assuming you’re dressed reasonably well (at least change out of that ratty t-shirt), snap a profile picture! If you can get someone else to take it so it doesn’t look like a selfie, so much the better. But even a quasi-professional looking selfie is better than no photo, or a photo you stole off Facebook that has your pet in it.

Add at least three skills

I’m assuming that if you’re over the age of three, you have some skills. Even my three-year-old could put “napping” and “death-defying living room stunts” on his profile. List at least three of your skills on your profile!

Fill out Experience

For this one, you may need to be over the age of 18 or so. But be sure to put at least three positions in your Experience section, including whatever your current job is.

Don’t have three positions? Feel free to include any organizations you’ve volunteered at to pad it out a bit. Just be sure to indicate that you were a volunteer, and specify how you helped.

Fill out other appropriate sections

What else is on your profile that you can fill out quickly? You haven’t used your full 30 minutes already, have you?

Go through and fill out anything else you can. In general, the more things you have filled out in your profile, the better. Be sure to enter your contact info, list awards, add any publications you’ve been published in—anything else that applies.

Most of the profiles I see on LinkedIn could be improved with these low hanging fruit and just 30 minutes. What are you waiting for? Get to it!

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