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Five best Mailchimp features

By Jackie Bell | November 10, 2021

We’ve used Mailchimp for years and are huge fans. While it’s not a good fit for every situation, it tends to be easy to use, easy to understand, quick, efficient, and affordable for most organizations. Let’s take a look at what I think are the best Mailchimp features.

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Video mistakes that make you look dumb

By Chloé Gee | November 3, 2021

A good, professional video takes a good professional to make. Seems obvious, right? I know, I know, but there’s a time and place for videos you’ve shot on your smartphone. One of the side effects of coronavirus is that we all became much more accepting of amateur videos. But, there’s a difference between amateur videos and unprofessional videos—videos that make you look dumb.

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6 signs your mobile website stinks

By Chloé Gee | October 27, 2021

Basically everyone has a mobile device now. Not even counting tablets, mobile devices were responsible for 54.8% of global website traffic in the first quarter of 2021. We’ve seen that B2B numbers tend to run a little less, but it’s still enough traffic that you need to make sure your mobile website is good. Worried your mobile website might stink? You might be right. Let’s be honest, have you even looked at it lately?

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How do I permanently buy a domain name?

By Tim Priebe | October 20, 2021

Domain names are great. Without them, we’d all be typing in long IP addresses that aren’t that memorable. Seriously, would you rather type in or Not counting major number nerds out there, domain names are the way to go!

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Instagram for business tips

By Leann Priebe | October 13, 2021

Instagram. I like it. If I’m being honest, I mostly follow YouTubers. Instagram is great for ideas about home organization. But it can also be great for businesses and nonprofits. And it’s definitely grown and changed in the past few years. If your organization wants to use Instagram or take it to the next level, here are five quick tips.

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Facebook Business Suite overview

By Chloé Gee | October 6, 2021

If nothing else drove me crazy, using Facebook Business Suite—formerly Facebook Business Manager—would still make me feel insane. They change things so often that it’s absolutely infuriating. If Facebook frustrates me, a millennial who went to college for this stuff, then I imagine people that use it less often probably have even more trouble. So, let’s take a look at Facebook Business Suite and what you need to know.

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How can nonprofits use LinkedIn?

By Jackie Bell | September 29, 2021

Not every social media platform is a good fit for every organization. But don’t jump to conclusions! While LinkedIn is perhaps most utilized in the B2B world, it can be beneficial for nonprofits as well, depending on how you use it.

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10 fun facts about Chloé

By Chloé Gee | September 22, 2021

When Tim first mentioned I needed to come up with fun facts about myself, my first reaction was, “ugh.” When he then started suggesting facts that he thought were fun, my next reaction was, “Well, we can’t use those.”

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How to create a custom field in Mailchimp

By Jackie Bell | September 15, 2021

Every email list needs an email address for each subscriber. And your list would likely benefit from having a first name and last name as well. But what do you do when you need a custom field like “Company Name?” How can you create something like that in Mailchimp?

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Marketing mistakes that make my blood boil

By Chloé Gee | September 8, 2021

I love good marketing. That’s why I went to college and got a degree in Strategic Communication, and that’s why I’m on the board of our local chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators. And it’s the reason I work in marketing now. With all that passion for great marketing, nothing makes my jaw drop in shock like really horrible marketing mistakes. The good news? It’s never too late to fix your mistakes! Without any further ado, here are eight marketing mistakes that make my blood boil.

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