How can nonprofits use LinkedIn?

By Jackie Bell on September 29, 2021

By Jackie Bell on September 29, 2021

Not every social media platform is a good fit for every organization. But don’t jump to conclusions! While LinkedIn is perhaps most utilized in the B2B world, it can be beneficial for nonprofits as well, depending on how you use it.

Connect with potential donors

Except for nonprofits that rely entirely on grants or payment for services rendered, most depend on donations to keep their doors open. Did you know that the average income of a LinkedIn user is just over $46K?

Many LinkedIn users can and do donate. Connect with potential donors on LinkedIn to make sure they know about your mission.

Connect with potential board members

In a similar vein, many LinkedIn users are white-collar and want to give back. LinkedIn is a far better place to research the skillset and experience of potential donors than a platform like Facebook or Instagram.

If you’re looking to fill a specific skillset, use LinkedIn’s advanced search capabilities to search for first and second-degree connections that have that skill set.

Find volunteers

Does your nonprofit utilize volunteers? There are 61 million senior-level influencers and 65 million decision-makers on LinkedIn. Many of those people decide how their organization gives back, including volunteering.

Spread the word about your organization

Finally, 37 percent of US adults use LinkedIn. That’s a big chunk of the population! LinkedIn can be a great platform to spread the word about your organization. Create a Company Page, post regularly, invite connections to follow your organization, and share your company posts on your personal profile as well.

Want help using LinkedIn? We provide LinkedIn training, consulting, and management. One of our services even includes helping people improve their LinkedIn profiles so more people will find them and they look better online.

Feel free to reach out to see if we can help you!

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