10 fun facts about Chloé

By Chloé Gee on September 22, 2021

By Chloé Gee on September 22, 2021

When Tim first mentioned I needed to come up with fun facts about myself, my first reaction was, “ugh.” When he then started suggesting facts that he thought were fun, my next reaction was, “Well, we can’t use those.”

Since I am a fascinating person, it ended up taking me just twenty minutes to come up with this list of fun facts.

  1. I was born in Odessa, Texas, and grew up in Mandeville, Louisiana, before transplanting post-Hurricane Katrina to Edmond.
  2. I paint, some people (besides my mom) say I’m decent.
  3. On a long weekend with nice weather, you can find me hunting waterfalls on the hiking trails.
  4. I could probably beat you at most first-person shooters, but I typically prefer RPGs with a solid storyline.
  5. I have two fur-children, Khaleesi (KK) and Keena (KeKe).
  6. I’ve traveled to France and French Polynesia.
  7. I’m a self-proclaimed tea aficionado.
  8. The left half of my head is shaved.
  9. My favorite flowers are orchids and peonies.
  10. My first dream job was runway model photography.

What do you think? Anything surprising in there? Any fun facts you have in common with me?

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  1. Avatar Shelley Stutchman on September 22, 2021 at 11:24 am

    Thank you. I enjoyed reading this.