
Articles about websites

Animated GIFs in Mailchimp, Facebook, and WordPress!

By Leann Priebe | October 7, 2020

Animated GIFs are great, right? Whether you are using Facebook, Mailchimp, WordPress, or any social website, you can add a fun, personal touch to your writing by inserting a GIF. While animated GIFs have been around since the late 90s—remember those cheesy “website under construction” GIFs?—they’ve seen a resurgence in recent years.

Let’s look at how GIFs have come back, how to insert them, where to find free ones, how to make your own, and more.

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How much does it cost to maintain a website?

By Leann Priebe | September 2, 2020

The days of launching a website then not having to touch it for several years are long gone. Depending on your website’s complexity, the CMS—Content Management System—it’s built on, and your needs, the investment for maintaining a website can vary greatly. If you’re paying yearly…

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Wix vs Squarespace vs WordPress

By Chloé Gee | July 1, 2020

You used to have to know a lot of HTML to build a website, and even then it was no guarantee it’d look good. That’s no longer the case! Now you can build a really good looking website without a ton of time and hassle with some of the What You See is What You Get (WYSIWYG) website builders out there. Wix, Squarespace and WordPress are the main options on the market. While WordPress is our personal favorite here at T&S, all three bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.

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How SEO friendly is my website?

By Leann Priebe | June 3, 2020

While SEO is something we have helped clients with for over a decade now, that’s not my area of expertise. Other people on our team handle that. However, that puts me in a position to relate to our clients who hire us because they’re not SEO experts either!

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Are WordPress sites easy to hack?

By Cole Battles | May 13, 2020

One of my many job duties is helping to back up and upgrade the WordPress websites we manage. While there are several reasons we do that on a regular basis, the main reason is security. WordPress has been around since May of 2003. While it has definitely evolved over time, so have the efforts of hackers. Which begs the question: Are WordPress websites easy to hack?

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Can anyone do web design?

By Chloé Gee | May 6, 2020

With the advent of do-it-yourself website design and creation tools, you may want to design your own website. Sure, some people go to school and get a graphic design degree after putting in hundreds or thousands of hours, but anyone can create a website, right?

Well, yes. Actually, anyone can create a website. But that doesn’t mean that everyone should.

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Effective digital marketing during a crisis

By Tim Priebe | March 19, 2020

As I write this, most of the United States is practicing social distancing in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. During any worldwide crisis—and even local crises—digital channels make communication easier than ever before. But if you haven’t developed a full-blown crisis communication plan, that can feel overwhelming!

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What makes a bad mobile website?

By Tim Priebe | March 4, 2020

In an era of iPhones, Android phones, iPads, Amazon Fire, and numerous other mobile devices and tablets, it’s easy to take good mobile web design for granted. After all, all websites are mobile friendly, right? Sure, until you run into one that isn’t. What a pain! Of course, that may start you thinking. How sure are you that your own website is mobile friendly?

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20 questions Google Analytics can answer for you

By Tim Priebe | January 1, 2020

While you may or may not need a website, let’s assume for a moment that you have one already. And since 65.5% of the top 1 million websites use Google Analytics, there’s a good chance you’ve already got it set up on your website.

But are you actually using it? Not if you don’t know what to look at!

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Strategic web design with fonts and colors

By Cole Battles | December 11, 2019

Looking for a foundation to start designing your website strategically? Whether you’re working with a web design agency, freelancer, or going the DIY route, two of the early design elements to start with are your fonts and colors. Let’s look at what you need to know…

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