
Articles about social media

Instagram marketing 101

By Malisa Rawlings | December 7, 2022

If you have a business that needs more exposure and brand awareness, Instagram might be for you. Whether you’re operating a franchise or running your own small business, the visual appeal of Instagram to many people is undeniable.

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Can I separate my Facebook Page from my personal account?

By Leann Priebe | November 23, 2022

I love Facebook, but I understand that not everyone does. One of my good friends deleted her Facebook account earlier this year. To be honest, it still weirds me out a bit.

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76 LinkedIn tips

By Tim Priebe | October 5, 2022

LinkedIn can be a powerful social media platform that you may be able to use to build your business and grow sales. It has a lot of potential in many industries! But without expert guidance, it can sometimes be frustrating.

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How do nonprofit organizations use Facebook?

By Leann Priebe | September 28, 2022

Facebook is an important marketing tool for nonprofit organizations. Facebook allows nonprofits to connect with their donors and followers in a more personal way, which can result in more donations and support. In this blog post, we will discuss how Facebook is used by nonprofit organizations and give one example of how a nonprofit uses it successfully. We will also provide some lessons other nonprofits can learn from this example.

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5 lessons from #instamom on Instagram

By Leann Priebe | September 21, 2022

Are you looking for Instagram inspiration, ideas, and lessons? Believe it or not, you can learn a lot from following the hashtag #instamom. It’s one of many hashtags I follow, and I’ve unexpectedly learned a few things about Instagram marketing.

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Animated GIFs on Facebook for businesses

By Leann Priebe | August 3, 2022

Want to make your business’s Facebook presence more fun and engaging? Have you ever considered animated GIFs?

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How to delete an Instagram post

By Tim Priebe | June 22, 2022

Instagram is a great platform for many businesses and nonprofits. It allows you to share photos and videos with your followers, and can help increase brand awareness.

Of course, nobody’s perfect. It can be embarrassing when you post something on Instagram and then later realize you messed something up. Maybe you made a typo, or maybe the photo just isn’t as good as you thought it was. Whatever the reason, sometimes you need to delete a post from Instagram.

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Twitter marketing strategy guide

By Tim Priebe | June 1, 2022

Ah, Twitter. Who knows who will even own Twitter by the end of 2022? Will it still be the stockholders? Possibly. Will it be Elon Musk? Maybe. Will it be me? Probably not. But who can say for sure?

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Types of Facebook Page templates

By Chloé Gee | May 25, 2022

Well, it’s official. Back in February 2022, Facebook turned 18. It can’t drink until 2025, but it’s old enough to vote. And it’s been driving long enough that it’s probably been pulled over a few times for reckless driving.

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Why your LinkedIn profile is garbage

By Chloé Gee | April 27, 2022

Listen, LinkedIn is far from my favorite social media platform, but I know it can be a powerful tool for business professionals. Unless, of course, you completely screw up your LinkedIn profile! Let’s look at some of the common mistakes people make on their LinkedIn profiles, so you’ll know what to avoid.

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