
Articles about YouTube

Marketing Online In The Right Order – Build Your Platform

By Tim Priebe | February 18, 2014

If you have that nagging feeling of failure when marketing your organization online, you’re not alone. Plenty of other people have felt the same way you have. The key is to move past that by figuring out what you did wrong, and correcting it.

In many cases, I’ve found that people had that feeling of failure because they were doing some key steps out of order. Or maybe they were leaving out some steps entirely.

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Have You Fixed Your YouTube Channel?

By Holly Kosec | June 11, 2013

Several months ago, YouTube rolled out some new changes to their YouTube channels. You had the option of whether or not to switch to the new “One Channel” design, but as of June 5th, 2013, the change has been applied to all channels. If you haven’t fixed your channel’s branding, it may not look very professional right now. So it’s time to get your channel back up to snuff!

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How to choose the right social network

By Tim Priebe | January 15, 2013

When marketing your organization, you could, theoretically, spend all your time on social media websites. But the return on your time invested starts to level out. That’s your point of optimization. It’s different for every company, and it can vary for different people in a given company. A big part of finding your point of optimization is deciding what social media website to spend the majority of your time on. When making that decision, you have to balance three things…

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How to get your Prezi on YouTube

By Holly Kosec | January 7, 2013

I recently started toying with a pretty neat presentation tool called Prezi. Prezi allows you to build presentations using either pre-built templates, or by creating custom templates of your own. You can see an example of one of our prezis by checking out our 10 Years of Awesomeness Celebration video.

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