
Articles about Facebook

Build your business with a Facebook group

By Tim Priebe | September 5, 2018

Have you ever wondered how people can create a group on Facebook, get traction with it, and turn it into revenue for their business? Wonder no longer!

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Facebook Insights 101

By Chloé Gee | June 13, 2018

Do you have a business Facebook account that you use to promote your brand? If so, have you ever poked around the free Facebook Insights?

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How much does Facebook management cost?

By Leann Priebe | August 9, 2017

If you’re looking at the possibility of outsourcing some of your social media, you’re probably wondering how much Facebook (or other social media) management costs.

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How to generate (qualified) leads with online video

By Tim Priebe | June 28, 2017

Sure, videos look awesome, but you need to make money, right? Of course you do! And for many businesses, generating leads is the key to measurable return on your online video investment. But anyone can generate leads online. Qualified leads are even better!

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Share your WordPress blogs with Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | June 21, 2017

WordPress, Hootsuite, and I have a love-hate relationship. But recently, when our solution for automatically sharing new WordPress blog articles on social media failed, I turned to Hootsuite to help me out.

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Should your video be on Facebook or YouTube?

By Lauren Rogers | May 24, 2017

Facebook and YouTube are two of biggest platforms you can use to share your organization’s videos online. (Read about some of the others here.)

But you’ll have different results with your videos depending on whether you upload them to Facebook or YouTube.

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Facebook’s call-to-action button, optimized for mobile

By Tim Priebe | December 7, 2016

Facebook has been rolling out some updates to Pages to make them more mobile-friendly. Their recent update to the call-to-action button means you have more options of where that button sends your prospects. It’s now possible for them to book appointments, buy tickets, start an order, or get a quote.

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Facebook’s new Pages layout

By Tim Priebe | July 22, 2016

It isn’t out for everyone yet (somewhat ironically, it hasn’t rolled out to my account as of this writing), but Facebook is in the process of rolling out a new layout for Pages for businesses, nonprofits, and anyone that has one set up. Let’s take a look at the differences, then see what the T&S staff thinks.

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Can social media improve your bottom line?

By Tim Priebe | July 5, 2016

I had a conversation recently with a business owner who was skeptical about what social media could add to his bottom line. We’d been discussing his website, but when the topic of social media came up, he suddenly lost interest.

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When do you need a professional social media account?

By Leann Priebe | June 14, 2016

You probably have an account on a few of the more popular social media sites—but do you know which platforms require you to have separate accounts for your personal account and your organization’s account?

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