Facebook’s new Pages layout

By Tim Priebe on July 22, 2016

By Tim Priebe on July 22, 2016

It isn’t out for everyone yet (somewhat ironically, it hasn’t rolled out to my account as of this writing), but Facebook is in the process of rolling out a new layout for Pages for businesses, nonprofits, and anyone that has one set up. Let’s take a look at the differences, then see what the T&S staff thinks.

The Differences

Overall, the new look is much cleaner. Here are some of the key changes.

  • Profile photo moved to the left of the cover photo
  • Page name and username moved to the left, with less characters allowed
  • Main Page navigation moved from under the cover photo to the left
  • More prominent Call to Action Button
  • No more ads on the right

Things to watch for

Since the profile photo has been moved, if you did any cool tricks in your cover photo that relied on your profile photo being overlaid on top of it, you can’t do that any more.

Check your Page’s name, and see how it displays on the left. For example, one page we looked at had the word “Communications” in there, but the “s” was moved to the second line.

If you haven’t set up your Call to Action button, now’s the time to do it! Not only is it bigger, but it’s now bright blue, which makes it stand out much more.

Thoughts from the T&S Staff

Tim Priebe

I like it! Of course, in general the cleaner Facebook can make the layout of anything on their site, the better. Oddly enough, it actually resembles what pages looked way back in 2009, but very cleaned up. It’s interesting to me that the ads are gone on the right, so we’ll see if they keep it that way.

New or Old? New!

Leann Priebe

I love the new layout in comparison to the old one. The cover photo can be seen in it’s entirety and the sidebar with page info is awesome. Way to go Facebook, new business page look for the win!

New or Old? New!

Holly Kosec

My first reaction to the new Facebook Pages layout was one of excitement. I love that the cover photo is no longer obscured by data and the profile picture. Now, it will be much easier to incorporate text, calls to action, and more, for our clients.

I also love how the new navigation system is set up on the left. The profile picture, company name, and navigation stay in place, even when you’re scrolling through the timeline, making it easy to backtrack and know where you’re at.

New or Old? Uh, new!

Lauren Rogers

I like the new version, although it always takes me a couple of days to get used to new Facebook layouts. I love that there’s less clutter from the ads and on the cover photo.

I have mixed feelings about the new left and right columns. The navigation in the left column stays anchored even when you scroll down the page, which I love. But the right column? You scroll and scroll and scroll and there are still more things to look at! That’s distracting to me. I don’t prefer that.

New or Old? 75% New. That right column…

Amanda Duncan

Looks good to me! Much cleaner view and it looks really nice! Love it!

New or Old? New.

Josh Priebe

Why did you call me in here? Am I in trouble? Oh, I don’t care about it. I mean, “Oooh!” Can I have some of Holly’s tickets from that Dave & Buster picture?

New or Old? The New one, I guess?

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