
Articles about Backslash Creative

Five ways we may be able to help you

By Tim Priebe | July 25, 2018

I talk with a lot of people who want to work with our team here at T&S, but they don’t need a full-blown website. While we did start out as a web design company, now we help with all sorts of digital marketing for a variety of budgets.

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Pay-what-you-can digital marketing for nonprofits

By Tim Priebe | May 23, 2018

Back in late 2008, I decided I really liked nonprofits. Immediately, I started planning a year of website giveaways. Each month in 2009, we gave away a website to a nonprofit. And we started working with several nonprofits that we continue to work with today, including Diabetes Solutions of Oklahoma, Teen emPower, and The Kids’ Place. Around the same time…

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Alternatives to an expensive logo

By Tim Priebe | May 2, 2018

I may be a bit biased, but I think the logos we design at T&S Online Marketing are pretty awesome. However, our full-blown, professionally designed logo packages are not a good fit for everyone. So what can you do if you want a good looking logo, without breaking the bank? Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there!

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Get to know Chloé, our new Director of Timelines!

By Leann Priebe | April 25, 2018

Have you met our “new Holly?” If you haven’t had the pleasure of doing so (and even if you have), you’re sure to love this fun and insightful interview with T&S Online Marketing’s new project manager, Chloé Gee.

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Logo design process

By Holly Kosec | June 14, 2017

While my role here at T&S has recently shifted toward project management, I’ll always be a designer at heart. And one of the things I get to do is help our clients with their logos. There are essentially three different ways I do that.

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The boring history of T&S’s logo

By Holly Kosec | March 17, 2017

Our esteemed owner Tim usually knows what he’s doing. Except, of course, when he doesn’t. Specifically, when it comes to doing graphic design work. He’s actually helpful when he gives me feedback on my designs, but he couldn’t design his way out a paper bag.

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A picture is worth a thousand megabytes (or so)

By Tim Priebe | March 3, 2017

Hi there! Have you ever thought to yourself, “Self, I really wish I knew what the Pixel Pushers at T&S were up to?” (Pixel Pushers is T&S lingo for our fabulous staff.) Well, it’s time to congratulate your self—or should that be “yourself”—because now you can know! All you need to do is connect with us on Instagram.

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Get ready for the BONUS BLOGS!

By Lauren Rogers | February 3, 2017

Did you read that title in a monster truck announcer voice? Because I wrote it in one. But that’s weird…

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Staff reactions to our 2016 survey

By Lauren Rogers | December 27, 2016

Last week, we released an infographic sharing what we learned in our 2016 Email Newsletter Subscriber Survey. Now, of course Holly did a great job with the infographic. But if you…

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The 2016 T&S survey results

By Holly Kosec | December 20, 2016

We recently sent out a survey to our newsletter subscribers—in fact, you might call it our 2016 Email Newsletter Subscriber Survey. (We do.) Our goal was to learn what our audience (that’s you!) wants more of from us in the future. But instead of…

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