
Articles about websites

Are you on the wrong type of hosting?

By Tim Priebe | April 5, 2016

Hosting a website used to be really expensive. Shared hosting—multiple websites on one server—helped bring that investment down, but brought with it some security issues. Today, website hosting is either more prone to hacking but really cheap, or secure with a larger financial investment. How can you tell which route is right for you?

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Skittish about WordPress?

By Leann Priebe | February 9, 2016

Some people have no problem with new technology. But if you’re anything like me, you may have been a bit apprehensive about learning a new system to update your website. Gosh, I didn’t like WordPress at first, but only because I didn’t know what I was doing.

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Do you have a BDS?

By Tim Priebe | September 8, 2015

Blogging for business on a regular basis can be beneficial. But how are you actually getting those articles to your ideal clients? What is your BDS, your Blog Delivery System?

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3 website redesign tips

By Tim Priebe | June 30, 2015

Individuals who are in charge of marketing for their business or nonprofit frequently approach me for advice when redesigning their website. They have had a site for years, but decided for various reasons the time is right to start over again. The question I get time and time again is, “What should I consider when redesigning my website?”

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WordPress website management tips

By Tim Priebe | June 23, 2015

Websites are easier to run on your own than they ever have been before, with content management systems like WordPress. However, with that ease of use, it’s also easy to neglect the basic maintenance. And what you don’t know about managing your website can hurt you! Here are six tips for managing your WordPress website on an ongoing basis.

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How to avoid spammy SEO

By Guest Blogger | April 28, 2015

Since the dawn of Search Engine Optimization, people have been searching for new ways to optimize and rank for as many keywords as possible. Unfortunately, that can lead to a couple major problems.

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Using the news for blog ideas

By Guest Blogger | April 21, 2015

You’re probably working too hard to come up with the ideas to blog about. If you’re tired of staring at a blank page waiting for inspiration, look no further than the thousands of journalists turning out stories every day. First off, let me introduce myself…

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Protect your WordPress websites from terrorists

By Tim Priebe | April 9, 2015

At first glance, the title of this blog entry may seem sensationalist. However, on April 7, 2015, the FBI issued a press release revealing that a group claiming to be ISIL / ISIS sympathizers were targeting WordPress websites. You can read all the details in the official PSA, but suffice it to say, this is a massive WordPress hacking event. Typically, the issue is…

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Are you losing leads online?

By Tim Priebe | April 7, 2015

Maybe your organization provides professional services. Maybe you work with a nonprofit that relies on donors and volunteers. Maybe you sell products or services directly online. Whatever the case, you may benefit from getting leads online. Want more leads from your website? Make sure…

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Google mobile SEO changes in 2015

By Tim Priebe | March 31, 2015

Some people don’t care about how they show up in search engines, while others do. And to some businesses, mobile presence isn’t a huge deal, while to others it’s everything. Plenty of people care about both mobile and SEO.

If you care about both, and you don’t know what Google has planned for April 2015, you may be in trouble!

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