Some people don’t care about how they show up in search engines, while others do. And to some businesses, mobile presence isn’t a huge deal, while to others it’s everything. However, plenty of people care about both mobile and SEO.
If you care about both, and you don’t know what Google has planned for April 2015, you may be in trouble!
Google has announced that on April 21, 2015, they’re making a change to mobile SEO that could have a huge negative impact on your website’s search rankings, if you’re not ready.
In November 2014, Google rolled out their “Mobile-friendly” label. Let’s say someone is using their mobile device, and they search for something in Google. For each result, Google checks if that page is mobile friendly. If it is, they add a label to the result that says “Mobile friendly.”
For the first five months or so, that was a helpful indicator to people on their phone, but made no difference in where the site showed up in the rankings. Google has announced that on April 21, 2015, that will change.
On that date, if your website is not mobile friendly, it will drop in the rankings. Our best understanding now is that it will have a significant impact for those websites. Although it’s probably an oversimplification, if your website is not mobile friendly, it will likely drop down beneath all the other results that are mobile friendly.
If you’re not sure if your site is mobile friendly, Google has created . You can also just search Google for your website on a mobile device, and see if that label appears on your listing.
While this change shouldn’t impact searches done on a desktop computer at all, remember that somewhere around half of all searches are done on a mobile device.
If your website is not mobile friendly, the best solution is to create a new website that takes mobile into account from the beginning. Of course, that’s not always possible, especially if you’re in a time crunch.
Contact your webmaster today to see what you can do if your website isn’t mobile friendly. If your website happens to run on WordPress, feel free to contact us to see if a solution we have available would be a good fit for you or not.
You can call us at 405-285-0348, or read more about our mobile web design services.