
Articles about websites

A modern church website with WordPress

By Chloé Gee | October 24, 2018

We love helping nonprofits. One type of nonprofit we end up helping a lot—partially because of the discounts we have available—is churches.

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Three things we need before designing your website

By Chloé Gee | August 22, 2018

At T&S Online Marketing, we love designing websites. In fact, you could say it’s our speciality considering that when our agency started back in 2003, it was known as T&S Web Design. T&S has certainly expanded its offerings over the years to areas like content creation, SEO, online video, and more. But creating attractive, functional websites is still one of our favorite things to do. Creating a website is an exciting process, but it can be overwhelming! Fortunately…

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Is it time to redesign your website?

By Leann Priebe | July 11, 2018

If you’re like most other businesses and nonprofits that aren’t brand new, you probably already have a website. We’ve been helping clients with websites since 2003, and it’s fairly rare now to see an established organization that doesn’t have a website.

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How keywords in SEO have changed

By Tim Priebe | May 16, 2018

Have you heard of keywords and key phrases as it relates to being found on search engines like Google? Keywords and key phrases are what search engine users enter into sites like Google, that businesses and nonprofits want to show up for. Well, a lot has changed over the years, and they don’t play the same role they used to.

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How to install Google Fonts on your website

By Tim Priebe | March 28, 2018

Years ago, we were limited to just a handful of fonts on the web. There were only a dozen or so that all computers typically had in common. Thankfully, web fonts have come a long way. One of the more popular options now for putting fonts on your website is Google Fonts.

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Why we use BackupBuddy for WordPress backups

By Tim Priebe | March 14, 2018

Regardless of what system your website is running on, one of the basic security measures you should be taking is backing it up on a regular basis. That way, if anything happens, you’ll always have a backup you can revert to. So if you use WordPress, what backup solution should you go with?

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Mobile design inspiration

By Holly Kosec | January 31, 2018

If your website isn’t mobile friendly, it’s time to get in on the game! It’s now been more than 10 years since the iPhone debuted. While I’m personally more of an Android fan, there’s no debating the fact that smart phones have greatly impacted web design.

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Picking a replacement web font

By Holly Kosec | December 20, 2017

So you’ve been using an awesome font you love in all your print material. It looks great on your business cards, your brochures, and your fliers. Then you tell your web gal—or guy—that you want to use it on your website as well.

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Problems getting emails from your website

By Tim Priebe | December 13, 2017

From time to time, I talk to people who have problems getting emails from their website. Their website has some sort of contact form or lead generation form, and they don’t seem to be getting some or any of the emails from it.

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Need design inspiration for your website?

By Holly Kosec | November 15, 2017

Whether you’re creating a completely new website or refreshing an existing one, at some point your web designer is going to ask what you want the website to look like. What style? What colors? What logo, photos, or other elements?

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