
Articles about social media

What’s your plan?

By Holly Kosec | July 19, 2016

Have you ever been frustrated because you know that social media could be helpful for your organization, but so far it hasn’t been as helpful as you’d like? Maybe you’ve started using it and it feels like a big waste of time. Or maybe you haven’t done anything at all, because you’re too overwhelmed.
Most people tend to fall into one of three groups when it comes to social media.

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Don’t miss out on a wider audience

By Leann Priebe | July 12, 2016

When people think of online marketing, having a website is usually what they think of as the bare minimum—the one thing they have to have.
But in some cases, having an email newsletter is as beneficial as having a website. It might even be a better choice for some organizations.
So what makes an email newsletter so powerful? There are four distinct benefits that an email newsletter has over other online marketing platforms.

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Can social media improve your bottom line?

By Tim Priebe | July 5, 2016

I had a conversation recently with a business owner who was skeptical about what social media could add to his bottom line. We’d been discussing his website, but when the topic of social media came up, he suddenly lost interest.

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When do you need a professional social media account?

By Leann Priebe | June 14, 2016

You probably have an account on a few of the more popular social media sites—but do you know which platforms require you to have separate accounts for your personal account and your organization’s account?

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Case Study: Baxter Electric Heat & Air

By Tim Priebe | May 31, 2016

Baxter Electric Heat & Air has been serving Edmond and Oklahoma City for decades. When Josh Morphew, CEO, wanted to increase Baxter’s online presence, he wanted to focus on the value-add for their clients, and he didn’t want to be talked down to with jargon.

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Promote events with online marketing

By Leann Priebe | May 17, 2016

Have you ever been to an event that you found out about through word of mouth, or because a friend of yours posted it on social media? We went to Heard on Hurd recently, and we had a great time, but it got me thinking—this was a huge event! How did they market it? I suspected that they…

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4 Hootsuite features that may be new to you

By Lauren Rogers | May 10, 2016

We love using Hootsuite to schedule social media posts ahead of time (it’s such a time-saver!) but there’s a lot more to it than that. Here are four less well-known uses for Hootsuite that you may want to add to your social media management plan.

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Creating quality Facebook content

By Lauren Rogers | April 19, 2016

Do you feel like your organization could be getting more out of Facebook than you are? Look at your posts from your client’s perspective. Posts that receive a higher level of engagement, whether that’s liking, sharing, or commenting, will be…

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Scheduling for Pinterest

By Holly Kosec | March 29, 2016

If you use Hootsuite, you may know how much of a relief it is to have social media posts scheduled well ahead of time. You can plan out your social media for a certain length of time and schedule everything to publish on the days and times you choose.

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Research your ideal client on social media

By Lauren Rogers | March 22, 2016

Whether you have a solid idea of your organization’s ideal client, or more of a vague generalization, paying attention to your ideal client’s social media can help you serve them better and reach more clients like them.

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