Do you feel like your organization could be getting more out of Facebook than you are? Look at your posts from your client’s perspective.
Posts that receive a higher level of engagement, whether that’s liking, sharing, or commenting, will be seen by a higher percentage of your fans. Therefore, quality content has a better chance of increasing your company’s visibility on Facebook.
Pull up your organization’s Facebook page and ask yourself a few questions. If you were a prospective client, would you find value in your posts? Are they interesting? Do you want to click through and learn more?
Here are some tips for creating that kind of quality content!
Do: Be Personable
Let prospective clients see that your organization is full of real people! You can publicly praise your employees, introduce the team through Facebook posts, or share photos that demonstrate company culture.
Do: Be Consistent
There are a variety of ways to pre-schedule Facebook posts, so this doesn’t mean you have to be tethered to your computer or phone. Consistency shows that your company values the interactions you can have on Facebook.
Our favorite scheduling tool is Hootsuite, in case you’re curious.
Do: Be Helpful
What does your ideal client want to know about? By sharing articles and information from other sources, you add value for your client. Stick with what fits in your company’s culture and what your ideal client would be interested in, but this is a great way to generate post engagement.
They’ll find your Facebook page interesting, whether you’re providing recipes, gardening tips, or memes about tax preparation. This establishes expertise for you, as well—it’s a win-win!
Don’t: Be Too Promotional
Your organization’s Facebook page might seem like a natural place to share about products and services you provide. And you should post about those things sometimes.
However, be careful to avoid overloading your page’s fans with only promotional content. Your potential clients have plenty of places they can look to for online content, and un-liking a page for repetitive ads is even easier than skipping through radio or TV commercials.
Don’t: Be Afraid to Challenge Assumptions
If there are common assumptions about your industry, or objections that you always receive, Facebook is a great way to dismantle those in a friendly way. If you’re a contractor, for example, you may have push-back from potential customers worried about being charged unfairly, especially if they feel like that’s happened to them in the past.
A post addressing that assumption could look like:
We don’t want all your money! Our fair pricing policy is transparent, so you’ll know your investment before we start working.
The next time you write Facebook posts for your audience, think about how it will look on their end. Are you providing them with content they’ll want to engage with?