
Articles about social media

Instant messaging on LinkedIn

By Tim Priebe | June 7, 2017

Recently, LinkedIn made some pretty major changes to how messages can work on their platform. Among other things, they added some features that let messages function more like instant messaging, similar to Facebook.

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Better headlines without a journalism degree

By Lauren Rogers | March 29, 2017

We all want more clicks, right? Whether you use your website to gather leads, get people to make donations, or actually sell items online, you have to get people there to make it all happen. And a key to that is writing better headlines.

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Improve your LinkedIn profile in 30 minutes

By Tim Priebe | March 22, 2017

Let’s be real. You may or may not have already read my ebook, Take charge of your LinkedIn profile in 25 steps. But that’s a lot of steps! To quote a fellow Oklahoman that turned into a nation-wide meme, ain’t nobody got time for that!

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Instagram’s business functionality

By Lauren Rogers | January 17, 2017

According to Facebook (which, by the way, owns Instagram), 60% of people surveyed learn about a product or service on Instagram, and 75% of the people surveyed take action after being inspired by a post.
If Instagram makes sense with your industry, company culture, and target market, having a business account on Instagram does a few useful things for you.

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How to build your Pinterest showcase

By Holly Kosec | January 3, 2017

Love Pinterest? Hey, me too! Of course, being a designer, I’m going to be partial to any visual social media platform. But if you run a business account on Pinterest, there’s a cool feature you may want to test out.

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LinkedIn’s new Company Pages

By Holly Kosec | December 13, 2016

LinkedIn is important for many businesses and nonprofits, so when I found out that LinkedIn was overhauling their Company Pages yet again, I was cautiously optimistic. There’s always room for improvement, but…

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Facebook’s call-to-action button, optimized for mobile

By Tim Priebe | December 7, 2016

Facebook has been rolling out some updates to Pages to make them more mobile-friendly. Their recent update to the call-to-action button means you have more options of where that button sends your prospects. It’s now possible for them to book appointments, buy tickets, start an order, or get a quote.

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LinkedIn’s new admin experience

By Tim Priebe | December 6, 2016

Do you manage a Company Page on LinkedIn? If so, you may have recently seen a pop-up when visiting your Page. It said, “We’ve listened to your feedback and redesigned your Company Page. Access the new admin experience.” What this means…

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Digital marketing books for 2017

By Tim Priebe | November 29, 2016

Let’s face it. Even though it’s very much an online world, there are those who still like to learn by reading a book. I read most of my books on my Kindle app on my iPad (instant gratification, anyone?), but physical books have their place as well.

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Five nonprofit social media best practices

By Lauren Rogers | November 22, 2016

If you’re responsible for the social media at your nonprofit organization, chances are good that it’s one of many important tasks on your plate!

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