
Articles about seo

The simple way to get on Google

By Tim Priebe | August 2, 2017

As an online marketing consultant and speaker, I frequently get asked about how companies can improve their Google (or other search engine) rankings.

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How to invest money (not time) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 10, 2017

Okay, so last week I shared one strategic way to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your website.

Some organizations have more time than cash as a resource, so time is a solution that makes sense in their worlds. But what if you have the opposite situation?

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How to invest time (not money) to increase traffic to your site

By Tim Priebe | May 3, 2017

A lot of people I talk to are wary about putting a financial investment toward getting traffic to their site, because they’re not sure it will bring them any kind of return on that investment.

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The tortoise and the hare: SEO edition

By Tim Priebe | March 15, 2017

Want fast SEO results? It’s easy to wish we could simply make an upfront investment and quickly shoot up to number one in the Google results! Unfortunately, that isn’t really the way SEO works

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Make your website more search-engine friendly

By Tim Priebe | January 24, 2017

Want to boost your SEO, but you’re not sure how? There are a lot of factors that go into your ranking in search engine results.

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Digital marketing books for 2017

By Tim Priebe | November 29, 2016

Let’s face it. Even though it’s very much an online world, there are those who still like to learn by reading a book. I read most of my books on my Kindle app on my iPad (instant gratification, anyone?), but physical books have their place as well.

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Google AdWords 101

By Leann Priebe | November 15, 2016

When you search for something on Google, have you noticed that the first few results have a little green icon that says “ad” on them? Those search results are the product of paid advertising through AdWords.

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What is local SEO?

By Lauren Rogers | June 28, 2016

Have you ever searched for “coffee Edmond” instead of just “coffee” on your phone or computer? Then you’ve made use of local SEO! MOZ estimates that there are seven billion unique local Google searches each month in the United States, which includes more than half of all Google searches on mobile phones. Sure, local SEO is helpful when you want to buy something, but it’s also helpful if you want to reach consumers with your own organization’s website.

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Is your SEO strategy risky?

By Tim Priebe | April 26, 2016

I spoke with a local business owner recently who had some questions about SEO (search engine optimization). During our conversation, what she shared revealed a lot of red flags. Knowing what I heard can help you know if you might be running a risk with unethical SEO, often known as black hat SEO.

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3 common SEO writing mistakes

By Guest Blogger | January 19, 2016

SEO has been around for quite a while now, but many businesses continue to make the same old mistakes when it comes to writing content. You should strive for content that is both relevant to your readers and optimized for search. Here are some obstacles to that objective you may have seen, or even been guilty of yourself.

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