
Articles about Backslash Creative

T&S employee benefits we love

By Jackie Bell | March 17, 2021

Most people turn to retail or the food industry for their first job. I worked in retail for about six years, and none of them offered great benefits. I lived paycheck to paycheck, worked 50 hours a week between two different jobs, and almost never had holidays off. I didn’t have time to live. T&S Online Marketing has changed that, and here’s how.

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T&S honored as #1 social media agency in Oklahoma

By Tim Priebe | March 2, 2021

A couple of months ago we were honored with a Premier WordPress Web Designer award, and just a few months into 2021 we’ve been featured for our social media work.

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The awards we’re most proud of

By Leann Priebe | January 27, 2021

Tim and I started our digital marketing agency here in the Oklahoma City metro back in 2003. In that time, we’ve been recognized locally, nationally, and even internationally, but we don’t talk about it that often. But it’s time to change that! Here are just a few of the awards we’ve won in the last few years that mean a lot to us.

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Top ten social media agencies in Oklahoma

By Tim Priebe | January 6, 2021

We were recently honored to be included in a list of the top ten social media agencies in Oklahoma. We’ve helped clients with social media since 2011 or so. When we started in 2003, we only did website development. At the time, we didn’t even offer website hosting! We’ve expanded our services in the years since then, and social media marketing is one of the areas in which we help clients.

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Premier WordPress Web Designer award

By Jackie Bell | December 11, 2020

Here at T&S Online Marketing, we are dedicated to helping businesses and nonprofit organizations with their websites, online presences, search engine optimization, and more. We have had local recognition for years, and now, we have been getting recognized on a national basis. One of the platforms we use on a regular basis is WordPress, and recently, we have been awarded the Premier WordPress Web Designer Award. We are very honored!

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Get to know Jackie, our new Writing Wizard!

By Chloé Gee | October 14, 2020

We’re excited to introduce our newest team member, Jackie Bell. We’ve been planning on adding a digital marketing coordinator for quite a while. Our search lasted a couple of months, and Jackie stood out as the best candidate. She’s been here for a couple of weeks now, so I recently took some time to ask her a few questions.

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A system for LinkedIn Company Page followers and leads

By Tim Priebe | November 14, 2018

If your target market or ideal client includes white collar workers, CEOs, business owners, or those in HR, then you should probably be utilizing LinkedIn. There are a million resources out there for individuals to utilize LinkedIn, but it’s different when it comes to your LinkedIn Company Page.

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A modern church website with WordPress

By Chloé Gee | October 24, 2018

We love helping nonprofits. One type of nonprofit we end up helping a lot—partially because of the discounts we have available—is churches.

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How to get YouTube subscribers

By Leann Priebe | October 10, 2018

Online video is here to stay, and YouTube is the premier social platform for digital marketing with videos. More than 500 million hours of video are watched on YouTube each day, and that stat is already a few years old! And as early as 2011, 85.3% of US Internet users viewed videos online

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Three things we need before designing your website

By Chloé Gee | August 22, 2018

At T&S Online Marketing, we love designing websites. In fact, you could say it’s our speciality considering that when our agency started back in 2003, it was known as T&S Web Design. T&S has certainly expanded its offerings over the years to areas like content creation, SEO, online video, and more. But creating attractive, functional websites is still one of our favorite things to do. Creating a website is an exciting process, but it can be overwhelming! Fortunately…

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