
Articles written by Tim Priebe

How do you know if your SEO company is working?

By Tim Priebe | April 8, 2020

We’ve been helping clients with SEO—Search Engine Optimization—for around 15 years now. Over the years, there have been countless occasions when I sat down to talk about digital marketing with someone and they confided in me, “I have no idea if my current SEO people are doing their job. Sound painfully familiar? Fortunately, there are some ways to tell if your SEO company is actually doing anything.

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Digital marketing companies in OKC

By Tim Priebe | April 1, 2020

Several years ago, I was talking with a potential client when he asked me a question I’d never given much thought to before. He asked, “If I don’t end up going with you, who else would you recommend I talk to?”

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How to promote your webinar

By Tim Priebe | March 25, 2020

If you’re being proactive with your marketing, you may be considering putting on an educational webinar. For many business and nonprofits—especially those that provide professional services—a webinar can be a great way to showcase your expertise and promote your organization. Of course, the actual content needs to be great. When it is, it’s a great promotional tool and can even be used to build your email list. But did you realize you still need to promote the webinar itself? And have you thought about effective follow-up afterward?

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Effective digital marketing during a crisis

By Tim Priebe | March 19, 2020

As I write this, most of the United States is practicing social distancing in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. During any worldwide crisis—and even local crises—digital channels make communication easier than ever before. But if you haven’t developed a full-blown crisis communication plan, that can feel overwhelming!

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What makes a bad mobile website?

By Tim Priebe | March 4, 2020

In an era of iPhones, Android phones, iPads, Amazon Fire, and numerous other mobile devices and tablets, it’s easy to take good mobile web design for granted. After all, all websites are mobile friendly, right? Sure, until you run into one that isn’t. What a pain! Of course, that may start you thinking. How sure are you that your own website is mobile friendly?

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20 more LinkedIn resources

By Tim Priebe | February 19, 2020

It may be hard to believe, but LinkedIn started way back in 2003, the same year we launched T&S Online Marketing! If you’re in the B2B space, then you probably already know LinkedIn is a must. Not only should you have a profile for your personal presence there, but you also need a Company Page as well. But if you’re like many people I talk with…

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What are Mailchimp social cards?

By Tim Priebe | February 5, 2020

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by email marketing, you’re not alone. Sure, the basics are simple: send an email to a list of subscribers to stay top of mind and get people to know, like, and trust you. But it quickly gets more complicated!

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Tips for SEO blog posting

By Tim Priebe | January 22, 2020

Are you already blogging, but wish your blog was helping how and where you were showing up in Google? You need to get better at blogging for SEO—Search Engine Optimization.

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20 questions Google Analytics can answer for you

By Tim Priebe | January 1, 2020

While you may or may not need a website, let’s assume for a moment that you have one already. And since 65.5% of the top 1 million websites use Google Analytics, there’s a good chance you’ve already got it set up on your website.

But are you actually using it? Not if you don’t know what to look at!

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Deleting inactive Mailchimp subscribers

By Tim Priebe | December 25, 2019

In May 2019 Mailchimp changed how their pricing worked. They added limitations that weren’t previously there and overall just moved to a new pricing model. Users of the free plans were impacted the most, but plenty of people across the internet were not happy. Keep in mind that…

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