Is marketing important for nonprofit organizations?

By Tim Priebe on April 17, 2024

By Tim Priebe on April 17, 2024

Is marketing important for nonprofit organizations? Yes. Yes, it is. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

Seriously, though, marketing isn’t just for big corporations chasing profits! It can be a game-changer for nonprofits, too! While every organization’s journey is unique, finding the right marketing approach can supercharge your mission and make a real difference.

Starting small online

When you first start out, word of mouth is your best friend. Get those friends and family talking about your cause! But hey, don’t sleep on the power of the internet. Even a simple single-page website can work wonders, showing folks you’re legit and making it easy for them to support you.

Here are some places you can build a single-page website for free or cheap:

And depending on your goals, that may be all you ever need!

Growing your nonprofit’s online presence

As your nonprofit grows, consider getting more strategic with your online presence. A professional website says, “We are well organized and make good use of our funds.” It boosts confidence in potential donors and volunteers.

And it doesn’t have to stop with a website. You can start utilizing social media more strategically, sending out well-targeted emails, integrate online videos, and more.

Investing in marketing muscle can pay off. Whether it’s hiring a pro or bringing someone in-house, strategic marketing can turbocharge your outreach and fundraising efforts. Think targeted campaigns, killer storytelling, and forming rad partnerships.

Ready for full-service marketing?

And if you’re really feeling bold, why not go all in? Partnering with a dream team of freelancers, hiring your own marketing team, or outsourcing to a full-service marketing agency can take your impact to the next level. It’s like turning up the volume on your mission and letting the world know you mean business!

I get it—marketing can feel overwhelming. But you don’t have to go it alone. Whether you’re just dipping your toes in or ready to dive deep, we’re here to help. We can help guide you regardless of where you are in the process.

Let’s chat about how we can craft a strategy that fits your nonprofit. Together, we’ll make waves and change lives. Let’s do this!


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Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? We're here to help. Let's talk.