
Articles written by Leann Priebe

Is HubSpot’s free version good?

By Leann Priebe | November 2, 2022

We’re coming up on one year as a certified HubSpot partner. While we’ve provided support here and there for the clients over the years, we decided it was time to finally make things official and take our relationship to the next level.

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How do I create a business blog?

By Leann Priebe | October 19, 2022

Here at T&S, we’re big fans of blogging. While we weren’t nearly as good at it back then, we’ve been blogging for our agency since 2008. And our longest continuous blog for a client has been running since 2011. Blogging is great for SEO, connecting with current and potential clients, and demonstrating your expertise and approachability. But how do you actually create a business blog?

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How do nonprofit organizations use Facebook?

By Leann Priebe | September 28, 2022

Facebook is an important marketing tool for nonprofit organizations. Facebook allows nonprofits to connect with their donors and followers in a more personal way, which can result in more donations and support. In this blog post, we will discuss how Facebook is used by nonprofit organizations and give one example of how a nonprofit uses it successfully. We will also provide some lessons other nonprofits can learn from this example.

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5 lessons from #instamom on Instagram

By Leann Priebe | September 21, 2022

Are you looking for Instagram inspiration, ideas, and lessons? Believe it or not, you can learn a lot from following the hashtag #instamom. It’s one of many hashtags I follow, and I’ve unexpectedly learned a few things about Instagram marketing.

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How not to buy a domain name

By Leann Priebe | August 31, 2022

I’ve never purchased a domain name myself. But I have owned a digital marketing agency since 2003, so I’ve picked up on some common mistakes to avoid over the years. Plus, technically, I have owned one of our domain names with Tim since 2000. They were expensive back then!

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Animated GIFs on Facebook for businesses

By Leann Priebe | August 3, 2022

Want to make your business’s Facebook presence more fun and engaging? Have you ever considered animated GIFs?

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Are WordPress plugins safe?

By Leann Priebe | July 27, 2022

I may be biased since we’ve used it for over a decade, but I think WordPress is a fantastic platform. Millions of people use it to power their websites! And one of the great things about WordPress is the massive library of plugins available for free. But with tons of free options comes legitimate safety concerns.

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How I accidentally ended up in digital marketing

By Leann Priebe | July 6, 2022

I’m passionate about our company, what we do, how we help clients, and marketing and design in general. However, it may surprise you to know that even though I own a digital marketing company, this was never my plan. In fact, at one point in college, I thought, “Well, there’s no way I’m ever running my own business.” Little did I know what the future would hold!

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4 more nonprofit clients we like working with

By Leann Priebe | June 29, 2022

We’re proud to work with a variety of nonprofit organizations that are making a difference in the world. We’ve talked about a few of those nonprofits before, but wanted to highlight four more of them that we’re currently working with.

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Should you start a blog?

By Leann Priebe | June 8, 2022

A lot can change in 10 years. I know in my house, there are way more smart speakers in 2022 than the zero we had in 2012. Amazon makes almost daily deliveries to us now, which was much rarer in 2012.

So, should you start a blog for your business or nonprofit in 2022? Or whatever year you’re reading this? Is blogging still a good digital marketing strategy for organizations?

The answer is… it depends.

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