
Articles written by Leann Priebe

How to write a clever Instagram caption

By Leann Priebe | September 20, 2023

In the fast-paced world of social media, where every post is fighting for a few seconds of a viewer’s attention, Instagram captions have become the unsung heroes. You might wonder: Can a few lines of text beneath a photo or video truly make a difference?

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Fun Fridays are fundatory

By Leann Priebe | August 23, 2023

In the whirlwind of modern work culture, where deadlines, meetings, and to-do lists seem to stretch endlessly, the concept of Fun Fridays might sound like a luxury or an extravagant indulgence. After all, when every minute counts and productivity is the buzzword, how can a dedicated day for fun be justified?

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Can you prevent someone from saying they work for your company on LinkedIn?

By Leann Priebe | July 12, 2023

LinkedIn has become a powerful platform for professionals to network and companies to build their online presence, especially in the B2B space. But when it comes to preventing individuals from falsely claiming to work for your company on LinkedIn, you may run into an issue.

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Should my business be on Twitter in 2023?

By Leann Priebe | May 31, 2023

It’s 2023, and Twitter is still around. In the last year, the platform has gone through more changes than a chameleon on a disco dance floor. From new features to controversial policy updates, it’s enough to make a small business owner wonder, “Should my business still be on Twitter?”

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Why gratitude is important to our team

By Leann Priebe | May 10, 2023

In 2022, Tim and I completed an Organizational Excellence program through Sandler to help take our business to the next level. Thanks to Jim Wilcox and Mike Crandall for such a great course! The program challenged us in expected and unexpected ways.

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How to see your company followers on LinkedIn

By Leann Priebe | April 26, 2023

Hey there, LinkedIn lovers! Are you ready to take your company’s social media game to the next level? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to dive deep into the magical world of company followers on LinkedIn.

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What makes a good video thumbnail?

By Leann Priebe | March 22, 2023

If you’re anything like me, you have been down a few YouTube rabbit holes. I’ll start watching my favorite make-up artist, and then hours later, I’m watching a video of Judge Judy! Every day, millions of users watch videos they never intended to. This is due in part to exciting thumbnails!

But how can you make your video thumbnails enticing on YouTube and elsewhere?

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How to post a GIF on your Facebook Page

By Leann Priebe | February 15, 2023

I love GIFs. We don’t need to talk about how the word is pronounced, but everyone can agree that a good GIF can brighten your day. GIFs can be a great way to add some fun to your social media presence. Facebook has a feature that lets you post GIFs to your page, and you could even use them when responding to comments.

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Why we volunteer

By Leann Priebe | December 14, 2022

We all know that volunteering is a decent thing to do with your free time, but why do we carve out time to do so as a team here at T&S?

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Can I separate my Facebook Page from my personal account?

By Leann Priebe | November 23, 2022

I love Facebook, but I understand that not everyone does. One of my good friends deleted her Facebook account earlier this year. To be honest, it still weirds me out a bit.

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