
Articles about social media

The new way to schedule Instagram posts with Hootsuite

By Tim Priebe | February 14, 2018

To quote one of my favorite television shows, Futurama, “Good news, everyone!” You can now schedule Instagram posts using Hootsuite, and other social media tools are working on rolling it out as well. “Wait, couldn’t you already do that?” you may be asking.

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Five great animated GIFs

By Tim Priebe | January 24, 2018

Whether you pronounce it with a hard or soft G, animated GIFs are here to stay. They’re now built into social media platforms, which makes them easy to use and misuse. Here are five examples of great animated GIFs used by businesses and nonprofits.

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Google+ for SEO

By Tim Priebe | January 10, 2018

For most people, Google+ seems somewhat of a ghost town. And while it’s true that certain communities are definitely active on there, in general it’s nowhere near as active as the other comparable social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. But are your Google rankings important to you? Does it matter how high you are in the search results for topics related to your business?

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Should your organization be on Pinterest?

By Leann Priebe | November 29, 2017

Earlier this year, Pinterest hit the 200 million mark for monthly active users. While that’s not as high as Facebook or Twitter, it’s still a lot of people.

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How social platforms display video in 2017

By Tuan Pham | October 4, 2017

If you’re investing time and money into online video, you want to be sure that video displays the way you expect on all social platforms. To make the most of your video on social media, here’s a quick overview of how each social platform treats video, at least at the time this blog was posted.

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What exactly is social video marketing?

By Tuan Pham | August 23, 2017

You’re probably familiar with social media—Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so forth. And you’re probably familiar with the concept of video marketing—using video to talk about your products, services, or other information for the viewer.

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How much does Facebook management cost?

By Leann Priebe | August 9, 2017

If you’re looking at the possibility of outsourcing some of your social media, you’re probably wondering how much Facebook (or other social media) management costs.

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Where can you use hashtags?

By Holly Kosec | July 19, 2017

If you want to start using hashtags, you’ve probably noticed it can be a bit confusing at first. Which social media websites support them? And are people actually using them on all those sites?

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Pinterest vs. Instagram vs. Snapchat

By Holly Kosec | July 5, 2017

I love visual social media. It should be no surprise, then, that I have accounts on Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat.

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Share your WordPress blogs with Hootsuite

By Leann Priebe | June 21, 2017

WordPress, Hootsuite, and I have a love-hate relationship. But recently, when our solution for automatically sharing new WordPress blog articles on social media failed, I turned to Hootsuite to help me out.

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