
Articles about social media

Choosing your name online

By Holly Kosec | October 6, 2015

What’s in a name? A lot, when it comes to consistency across the web. If somebody searches for you on Twitter using your domain name, but your Twitter handle is different, your company’s Twitter feed might not show up. The same goes for platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn. Without a consistent name across all of those platforms, potential customers will have trouble finding you. Figuring out an alias for your company isn’t always as straight forward as it sounds.

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How to write better LinkedIn posts

By Tim Priebe | September 29, 2015

LinkedIn can be a powerful marketing tool, as long as it’s a good fit for you or your organization. They’ve positioned themselves as a publishing platform, and you can use that to demonstrate your expertise to LinkedIn members. According to LinkedIn, they analyze the content of your article to show it to the appropriate audience. There’s also a good chance your connections and any others who have followed you will see it. So it’s an opportunity to make a good impression. If you’re willing to put in the time, here are six tips for putting your best foot forward with LinkedIn long-form posts.

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How to build your social media recipe

By Tim Priebe | September 22, 2015

Frustrated with the effectiveness of your organization’s social media presence? I’m going to share with you the method we use at T&S for both ourselves and our clients to determine the right recipe for social media.

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Do you have a BDS?

By Tim Priebe | September 8, 2015

Blogging for business on a regular basis can be beneficial. But how are you actually getting those articles to your ideal clients? What is your BDS, your Blog Delivery System?

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7 lessons from Oreo on Instagram

By Holly Kosec | September 1, 2015

We can learn a lot about online marketing by observing the habits and strategies of other businesses: what works, what doesn’t work, what encourages engagement, and more. The cookie masters at Oreo have a very active, engaged, and hungry audience. Even if you’re not a cookie connoisseur, there’s still a lot that we can learn from their strategies on Instagram.

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The risk with social media brand inconsistency

By Holly Kosec | August 25, 2015

Inconsistent branding across social media platforms can cause people to become confused, lose trust, and even wonder if they’ve found the right organization (or not). That means you need to be intentional about the image your organization presents online. Let’s look at some ways to make your social media branding consistent across all the platforms you use.

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How to get more business with LinkedIn

By Guest Blogger | August 18, 2015

LinkedIn is a hidden gem for people who want to grow their sales / business. There is a universal truth in business – people do business with people they know, like, trust, and value. LinkedIn, used properly, allows you to find prospects more quickly and shorten sales cycles greatly by using this mindset.
Let’s look at a specific method of using LinkedIn to get more business.

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Quit clowning around on social media

By Tim Priebe | August 4, 2015

Too often, people are put in charge of their organization’s social media just because they use it on a personal basis. That can be dangerous! Clowning around is fine for personal use, but not for your organization’s social media management.

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3 social media tracking essentials

By Tim Priebe | July 14, 2015

When social media first came onto the scene, there was little effort put into tracking how effective it was. While it’s still all about relationships, now there are plenty of metrics that you can measure. Ready to get started tracking your social media efforts? Here are three things you should consider tracking and work on improving.

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16 awesome LinkedIn resources

By Tim Priebe | June 16, 2015

LinkedIn can be a great tool! If you’ve been meaning to dig in, improve your profile, or even start prospecting or marketing on LinkedIn, it can sometimes be tough to know just where to start. Here’s a list of 16 awesome resources you can use to make the most of your LinkedIn presence

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