How to get more business with LinkedIn

By Mike Crandall on August 18, 2015

By Mike Crandall on August 18, 2015

By Mike Crandall

LinkedIn is a hidden gem for people who want to grow their sales / business. There is a universal truth in business – people do business with people they know, like, trust, and value. LinkedIn, used properly, allows you to find prospects more quickly and shorten sales cycles greatly by using this mindset.

Let’s look at a specific method of using LinkedIn to get more business.

There are two key ways to use LinkedIn today in growing your sales / business. One is building a great profile so people find it quickly, navigate it easily, and become comfortable enough to want to reach out to you. This is a great use, however very reactive in nature.

The other way is to use it much more proactively and reach out to people you would like to do business with. (Either way a good looking profile is very important.)

Three proactive steps

The most effective way I’ve found for you to be proactive with LinkedIn is to think about it as a three step process.

Step one – Identify who / what you are looking for. In other words, who do you want to meet or visit with? Is it HR Managers, Purchasing Agents, CEO’s, etc.? What industry are they in, what company do they work for, or even more specifically, use their name (if you have it).

Step two – Figure out the best way to connect with those people and start a conversation with them.

Step three – Use LinkedIn to start that conversation.

Referral introductions

One of my favorite ways to do that on LinkedIn is to use it to shorten the sales cycle on referral introductions.

Likely you have had someone say to you something like, “I gave your name to so-and-so.” For years I heard this, but then never heard from the person who was supposedly given my name. Today instead of waiting around and being reactive, I use LinkedIn to be very proactive.

As an example, let’s say I got a message from Sue Smith. Sue said, “Mike, I gave your name to Bob Jones.”

I then use LinkedIn to search for Bob Jones and then send him a direct message (even if I have to pay for it).

The message would say something like this:

Sue Smith shared with me that she gave you my contact info. If that is correct and you would really like to visit – you can email me, or call me on my cell _________. If I was given bad info, please forgive me and let me know that so I do not bug you.

The subject line simply has “Sue Smith” in it.

In all the times I have done this I can only think of one time I did not get a reply and request to visit.

This is a great example of how you can use LinkedIn to be proactive in your sales / business growth. It greatly shortens sales cycles and eliminates wasted time, energy, and often even wasted money.

Additional LinkedIn Resource

If you would like to learn other ways to leverage LinkedIn for sales / business growth – check out our free 65 page eBook, 25 Secrets on How to Leverage LinkedIn.

It has proven and effective tips, including how to:

  • Create a client-attracting profile
  • Get connected with prospects and clients
  • Search for quality leads and prospects
  • Make contact with decision makers

MIKE CRANDALL lives in Edmond, Oklahoma. He is a Consultant, Coach, Trainer, and Speaker focused on Sales, Management, and Leadership Development for Proactive Business Growth. He can be reached via email at or by phone at (405) 844-1700. For more information, go to online to, or read his blog at

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