
Articles about social media

Four Instagram best practices

By Holly Kosec | November 8, 2016

Recently, I attended a webinar that covered some of the best practices in Instagram based on popular posts. The examples were from a bunch of different kinds of users and in all kinds of industries—although food was a pretty common theme, of course.

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Three ways to automate Pinterest posts

By Tim Priebe | November 1, 2016

Pinterest is a great social media platform for a lot of businesses. If what you sell is very visually-oriented, it’s at least worth considering the audience on Pinterest, the level of effort the platform would require from you, and seeing if you should be on it.

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The right image size for social media

By Holly Kosec | October 25, 2016

Okay, I know I’m biased as a graphic designer, but sharing images on social media is a really important part of a social media plan. And there’s plenty of objective proof!

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Grow your Twitter audience with #FollowFriday

By Lauren Rogers | October 19, 2016

You’ve spent time cultivating meaningful relationships within your networks. And as long as you aren’t rude or spammy about it, it makes sense to ask for their help in building up your audience online. Here’s one specific way…

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Yes, actually be yourself online!

By Leann Priebe | October 18, 2016

A lot of the things you do online can be automated, and it can save you a lot of time. It can even save you some embarrassment—did you know you can tweak your Gmail settings so you can have time to undo a sent message if you realize you’ve sent it to the wrong person?

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Sharing company culture through Instagram

By Lauren Rogers | October 4, 2016

We often tell people that they probably don’t need to be on every social media platform possible, and we do practice what we preach! Up until recently, we hadn’t been using Instagram as an organization. It just didn’t seem to be one of the platforms where we’d get the most bang for our buck.

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A content curation system for adding value

By Lauren Rogers | August 30, 2016

When people think about posting content consistently online, there’s two extremes: either they don’t think they have enough to say, or they see it as an opportunity to share all the great things about their business, all the time.

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How to use Hootsuite’s new Analytics features

By Lauren Rogers | August 2, 2016

It’s no secret: here at T&S, we think Hootsuite is an awesome tool for scheduling social media ahead of time. But there’s a lot more you can do with it than that! You can check past social media updates, use Streams to compare several social media feeds at once, and even find new followers in the Contacts page.

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Being overly promotional can backfire

By Tim Priebe | July 26, 2016

Sometimes you’ll see them on social media—people who just can’t stop talking about their business or product. They’re always pushing their business, products, or services.
It happens a lot. You can probably even think of some time pretty recently that you’ve seen it happen on social media!

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Facebook’s new Pages layout

By Tim Priebe | July 22, 2016

It isn’t out for everyone yet (somewhat ironically, it hasn’t rolled out to my account as of this writing), but Facebook is in the process of rolling out a new layout for Pages for businesses, nonprofits, and anyone that has one set up. Let’s take a look at the differences, then see what the T&S staff thinks.

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