
Articles about Mailchimp

What are Mailchimp social cards?

By Tim Priebe | February 5, 2020

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by email marketing, you’re not alone. Sure, the basics are simple: send an email to a list of subscribers to stay top of mind and get people to know, like, and trust you. But it quickly gets more complicated!

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Deleting inactive Mailchimp subscribers

By Tim Priebe | December 25, 2019

In May 2019 Mailchimp changed how their pricing worked. They added limitations that weren’t previously there and overall just moved to a new pricing model. Users of the free plans were impacted the most, but plenty of people across the internet were not happy. Keep in mind that…

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What are good email marketing statistics?

By Tim Priebe | October 9, 2019

Overwhelmed by all the moving parts in an email marketing campaign? You have to get subscribers, watch your bounce rates, open rates, click rates (aka click through rates or CTR), and so on. Good reporting and statistics tools are super important! If you didn’t know already, we’re huge Mailchimp fans. And one of the things Mailchimp is really good at is

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When should you use email marketing automation?

By Tim Priebe | August 30, 2017

A lot of emails sent to a subscription list have content that changes each time, like what we call a blog delivery system or BDS newsletter. These emails are a simple way to get your new blog entry in front of people and help drive traffic to your website.

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Be a MailChamp, not a MailChump!

By Lauren Rogers | March 8, 2017

We love MailChimp here at T&S. But if you don’t use it super often like we do, it’s possible you can make a mistake that leaves you with egg on your face.
Since we send dozens of email campaigns with MailChimp every month, we’ve learned some best practices. After all, we’re not perfect either!

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Synchronizing your times

By Leann Priebe | August 23, 2016

If you schedule things across more than one platform, it’s important to make sure that your time zones are accurate.
They need to all be the same across the board, and you need to make sure the time zone reflects where you are.
It sounds elementary, but it’s important to check! If you have a blog post scheduled to publish at 10 AM, and a social media update linking to that blog goes out at 8 AM that day, that link won’t work for two hours. Which could be pretty awkward.

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Top email clients in 2015

By Tim Priebe | November 10, 2015

If you weren’t aware, we here at T&S use MailChimp for our email newsletter, and the email newsletters of our clients. Typically, we recommend that people focus on two email statistics: Opens and Clicks for individual campaigns. However, you can draw some interesting conclusions if you look at the email clients your subscribers are using. Fortunately, MailChimp makes that data super easy to access! Let’s take a look at…

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9 tips for a super email newsletter

By Holly Kosec | July 28, 2015

An email newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with existing and potential clients on a regular basis. But, with all of the options available, it can be hard to figure out what your newsletter should look like, what content should be in your newsletter, or even where to get started. Here are 9 tips you can use to make sure you have a super email newsletter.

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Use MailChimp Social Cards to increase shareability

By Tim Priebe | May 19, 2015

If you’re a MailChimp user, there are likely a lot of features you haven’t utilized. Many of those features take very little time to set up, but can be those final details that your email newsletter has that most others don’t. One such feature is MailChimp’s Social Cards, which can increase your email campaign’s shareability. Let’s take a look at what Social Cards are and three tips for really making use of them.

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How to grow your email list

By Tim Priebe | February 24, 2015

For many organizations, an email newsletter makes a lot of sense. It means people have invited you into their inbox. And as long as you provide value, they’ll usually let you market to them as well. So how do you build and grow your email list?

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