
Articles about email marketing

Do you have a BDS?

By Tim Priebe | September 8, 2015

Blogging for business on a regular basis can be beneficial. But how are you actually getting those articles to your ideal clients? What is your BDS, your Blog Delivery System?

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4 quick email newsletter improvements

By Tim Priebe | August 11, 2015

You’ve done it. You’ve been hearing forever that email newsletters are great, and you’ve finally sent out your first email newsletter. Or maybe you’ve been sending it out for months now, and you’d like to make some improvements. Or, let’s face it, you may hate your own email newsletter. Whatever the case, let’s take a look at four ways you can quickly improve your email newsletter.

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9 tips for a super email newsletter

By Holly Kosec | July 28, 2015

An email newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with existing and potential clients on a regular basis. But, with all of the options available, it can be hard to figure out what your newsletter should look like, what content should be in your newsletter, or even where to get started. Here are 9 tips you can use to make sure you have a super email newsletter.

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Use MailChimp Social Cards to increase shareability

By Tim Priebe | May 19, 2015

If you’re a MailChimp user, there are likely a lot of features you haven’t utilized. Many of those features take very little time to set up, but can be those final details that your email newsletter has that most others don’t. One such feature is MailChimp’s Social Cards, which can increase your email campaign’s shareability. Let’s take a look at what Social Cards are and three tips for really making use of them.

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OOMPHcast #30: Tim Priebe – Optimizing your email marketing

By Tim Priebe | May 6, 2015

Episode 30 is a unique interview as regular host Tim Priebe has the microphone turned on him as he is interviewed by guest host, Gunnar Hood. Tim is the owner of T&S Online Marketing. Tim shares why he believes email is still his preferred form of marketing, how to properly use an email list, and how to create email marketing campaigns that will bring growth to your company.

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30 must-read online marketing blogs

By Holly Kosec | May 5, 2015

One of the best ways to keep up-to-date on all of the latest news in the marketing world is to keep tabs on some of the most active, applicable, and cutting-edge marketing blogs on the web.

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How to grow your email list

By Tim Priebe | February 24, 2015

For many organizations, an email newsletter makes a lot of sense. It means people have invited you into their inbox. And as long as you provide value, they’ll usually let you market to them as well. So how do you build and grow your email list?

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MailChimp campaign analytics simplified

By Tim Priebe | December 9, 2014

One of the things we love about MailChimp is how easy their analytics are to understand. That said, sometimes it isn’t obvious how to actually make use of the information. Let’s take a look at a three campaign analytics that are easy to understand, and some ways you can use them.

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Creating your MailChimp Campaign

By Tim Priebe | December 2, 2014

When you first sign up for MailChimp, you set up your account, create your list, and create a template. Those are typically all one-time activities. So once those are done, it’s time to start creating Campaigns.

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Creating your MailChimp template

By Holly Kosec | November 25, 2014

We love anything that makes our clients’ lives easier. A couple years back, MailChimp rolled out their drag-and-drop template creator. This has been great for both us and our clients, because creating a MailChimp template is even easier than it ever was before. You’ve seen in our last two blogs how to create your MailChimp account, and create your first list. Now that you have those taken care of, it’s time to use that awesome drag-and-drop interface.

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