
Articles about email marketing

Are You Sending Your Email Newsletter the Right Way?

By Tim Priebe | June 18, 2013

So you’ve decided you want to start sending out an email newsletter on a regular basis. You know it will take an investment of time and some money. Now should you pay a monthly fee for a service, or just use your email client or some sort of desktop software to send your email newsletter?

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Your email marketing plan simplified: The frequency

By Tim Priebe | March 26, 2013

So now that you know the purpose behind your email newsletter and what your plan is for the content, one question remains. How often should you send out your email newsletter? It seems like everyone who runs an email newsletter has an opinion.

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Your email marketing plan simplified: The content

By Tim Priebe | March 19, 2013

An email newsletter is nothing without content. But what content should you include? Let’s take a look at how to plan the content for your email campaigns.

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Your email marketing plan simplified: The purpose

By Tim Priebe | March 12, 2013

Your email marketing has the potential to be your most useful online marketing activities. But if that’s your goal, you need to have a plan. As the saying goes, a goal without a plan is just a wish.

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How to create your first email newsletter with MailChimp

By Holly Kosec | January 29, 2013

So you’ve made your MailChimp account, or maybe you had T&S create it for you. Either way, now you’re ready to create your very first email newsletter. But how do you get started? MailChimp is definitely our favorite email newsletter management system, but it can be a little intimidating at first. Fortunately, it’s not too hard. Let’s take a look at how to get started.

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Are You Marketing on the Biggest Social Network?

By Tim Priebe | October 1, 2012

Twitter has over 575 million accounts. Facebook reportedly has 901 million users. Yet neither of those are the biggest social network of all. So if you’re spending any time marketing your business on those platforms, you should definitely be investing time and/or money in what is the undisputed largest social network that even predates MySpace.…

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How to check any email address in Gmail

By Holly Kosec | July 16, 2012

When we set up email addresses for our clients that we host, we typically recommend one primary method of checking your email, and that is through Gmail. The great thing about Gmail is that you can check it at any location, on any computer, and on any internet-capable device. When you check your mail through…

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Are you wasting time marketing online without an email newsletter?

By Tim Priebe | April 10, 2012
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The top 4 reasons to start an email newsletter

By Tim Priebe | April 2, 2012

I have met a handful of business owners out there for whom a website was not an absolute necessity. It happens occasionally. But every single business owner and nonprofit out there can benefit from running a consistent email newsletter. Let’s take a look at four great reasons to start a newsletter.

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Email Etiquette Part 3: Dealing with those Cc’s and Bcc’s

By Guest Blogger | October 19, 2010

We send and receive emails all day, but does everyone really know about some of the extra options for sending out emails? Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple years, I would hope that it’s safe to assume that you understand what should go in the “To:” and “Subject:” fields, so…

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