
Articles about email marketing

Six emails to include in a drip campaign

By Tim Priebe | October 25, 2017

In email marketing, a drip campaign is a series of emails that you send at set intervals over a period of time. They’re sometimes also called automated campaigns or lifecycle emails.

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When should you use email marketing automation?

By Tim Priebe | August 30, 2017

A lot of emails sent to a subscription list have content that changes each time, like what we call a blog delivery system or BDS newsletter. These emails are a simple way to get your new blog entry in front of people and help drive traffic to your website.

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Be a MailChamp, not a MailChump!

By Lauren Rogers | March 8, 2017

We love MailChimp here at T&S. But if you don’t use it super often like we do, it’s possible you can make a mistake that leaves you with egg on your face.
Since we send dozens of email campaigns with MailChimp every month, we’ve learned some best practices. After all, we’re not perfect either!

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3 steps to build your email list from the ground up

By Tim Priebe | October 11, 2016

If you’re starting an email newsletter, go ahead and pat yourself on the back! That can be one of the best ways to reach people who are likely to do business with you in the future.

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3 ideas for smarter newsletters

By Lauren Rogers | September 20, 2016

If you’re just starting out with email newsletters, it can be a challenge to know whether or not you’re doing things the right way.
If you’re not already using these three ideas as part of your email newsletter marketing, I definitely recommend you try them out. They can make your newsletter (and you) look even smarter!

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Is an email segment or an email list the right choice?

By Tim Priebe | September 6, 2016

We’re big MailChimp fans at T&S, so we tend to use the same language they use. As they define it in the MailChimp glossary, a list is “a collection of subscribers who have opted-in to receive correspondence from you or your organization.”
A segment, however is a subset of that list. MailChimp defines it as, “a section of your list that includes only those subscribers who share common field information.”

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Don’t miss out on a wider audience

By Leann Priebe | July 12, 2016

When people think of online marketing, having a website is usually what they think of as the bare minimum—the one thing they have to have.
But in some cases, having an email newsletter is as beneficial as having a website. It might even be a better choice for some organizations.
So what makes an email newsletter so powerful? There are four distinct benefits that an email newsletter has over other online marketing platforms.

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Hide-and-seek email marketing

By Tim Priebe | January 26, 2016

In a time where it’s a struggle to get people to read even the first few lines of an email, you’ve got to get creative if your emails are especially long. Kathy Harms, Executive Director at Teen emPower!, has successfully implemented a sort of hide-and-seek to get her supporters to read through emails to get important information.

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Three guiding principles for email marketing

By Tim Priebe | December 15, 2015

Social media, search engine optimization, and other online marketing tools are good. But none of them match the effectiveness of email marketing. An email reaches your customer where he or she is always at – their inbox. And when you send information out to your customers, you’re sending it to people who are already interested in you.

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Top email clients in 2015

By Tim Priebe | November 10, 2015

If you weren’t aware, we here at T&S use MailChimp for our email newsletter, and the email newsletters of our clients. Typically, we recommend that people focus on two email statistics: Opens and Clicks for individual campaigns. However, you can draw some interesting conclusions if you look at the email clients your subscribers are using. Fortunately, MailChimp makes that data super easy to access! Let’s take a look at…

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