
Articles about email marketing

A more professional email address – infographic

By Cole Battles | May 27, 2020

Did you realize that an unprofessional email address makes you look unprofessional? Are you inadvertently making a bad first impression with your email address? Sure, not everyone will make assumptions based on your email address. But some people will. That means in order to be sure you make a good impression, you need to have an address that comes off as professional.

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What are Mailchimp social cards?

By Tim Priebe | February 5, 2020

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by email marketing, you’re not alone. Sure, the basics are simple: send an email to a list of subscribers to stay top of mind and get people to know, like, and trust you. But it quickly gets more complicated!

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Deleting inactive Mailchimp subscribers

By Tim Priebe | December 25, 2019

In May 2019 Mailchimp changed how their pricing worked. They added limitations that weren’t previously there and overall just moved to a new pricing model. Users of the free plans were impacted the most, but plenty of people across the internet were not happy. Keep in mind that…

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What are good email marketing statistics?

By Tim Priebe | October 9, 2019

Overwhelmed by all the moving parts in an email marketing campaign? You have to get subscribers, watch your bounce rates, open rates, click rates (aka click through rates or CTR), and so on. Good reporting and statistics tools are super important! If you didn’t know already, we’re huge Mailchimp fans. And one of the things Mailchimp is really good at is

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How drip email campaigns work

By Cole Battles | July 24, 2019

If you’re anything like me, you might have heard of a drip campaign, but didn’t completely understand what it was or how you could use it. In addition to being the graphic designer extraordinaire here at T&S, I also help with content on a fairly regular basis. Depending on the topic, I enjoy writing nearly as much as I enjoy designing. As a result, I recently contributed to a drip campaign project we started working on for a client.

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A more professional email address

By Tim Priebe | June 12, 2019

What does your email address say about you? Does using a Gmail or Yahoo email address come across as professional as one using your own domain? Obviously, it’s subjective. But first impressions are important, so you should put thought into your email address rather than just using that Gmail address you’ve had for the past ten years.

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Adding to your bottom line with email marketing

By Tim Priebe | February 21, 2018

Just like with most forms of digital marketing, using an email newsletter to market your business can leave you in a rut. You can end up spinning your wheels and waste a lot of effort if you don’t have the right strategy in place. Here are a few things you should make sure you’re doing…

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More drip campaign emails

By Tim Priebe | December 27, 2017

Two months ago, we looked at six types of emails to include in a drip campaign. Then last month, we looked at examples of three of those. This month, we’ll take a closer look at some more of the specific emails you might include in a welcome series of emails.

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Problems getting emails from your website

By Tim Priebe | December 13, 2017

From time to time, I talk to people who have problems getting emails from their website. Their website has some sort of contact form or lead generation form, and they don’t seem to be getting some or any of the emails from it.

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A closer look at drip campaigns

By Tim Priebe | November 22, 2017

Last month we looked at six types of emails to include in a drip campaign, which is a series of emails that you send at set intervals over a period of time. They’re sometimes also called automated campaigns or lifecycle emails.

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