A more professional email address – infographic

By Cole Battles on May 27, 2020

By Cole Battles on May 27, 2020

Did you realize that an unprofessional email address makes you look unprofessional? Are you inadvertently making a bad first impression with your email address?

Sure, not everyone will make assumptions based on your email address. But some people will. That means in order to be sure you make a good impression, you need to have an address that comes off as professional.

What is the best email address?

The best email address is the one that gives the impression of your organization you want to give. How formal do you want to appear? Formality is definitely a spectrum, and you want to be intentional with how formal your email address is!

We’ve put together the following infographic to help you make the right decision for you and your organization. There are also tips on how to access your new email address if you already use a different address.

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